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Helix Complex For healthy joints and bones 30 capsules

£42.95 GBP

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£7.02 to United Kingdom
Ships from Bulgaria Bg

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None: All purchases final

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Ships in 1 business day Details
£7.02 to United Kingdom
Ships from Bulgaria Bg

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None: All purchases final

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PayPal, MasterCard, Visa, Discover, and American Express accepted
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Item traits


Dietary Supplements

Quantity Available:

50 in stock





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Main Purpose:

Bone & Joint Health

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Free shipping on orders over $300.00

Price discount:

10% off w/ $200.00 spent

Posted for sale:

More than a week ago

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Product reviews for "Natural Capsule"

TONGKAT ALI 1:50 EXTRACT - 400 MG - 100 CAPSULES - Indonesia - £19.91 GBP

TONGKAT ALI 1:50 EXTRACT - 400 MG - 100 CAPSULES - Indonesia

0 of 5 people found this helpful.

Average review 1 star
No apparent difference

I have taken 2 capsules every day for about a month now and feel absolutely nothing......nor has it had the least effect on me as far as I can tell.

Purchased Natural Capsule on Bonanza
Natural D-Hist, Ortho Molecular Products -  120  Capsules - £42.95 GBP

Natural D-Hist, Ortho Molecular Products - 120 Capsules

Average review 5 stars
Nothing works this good for allergies

I have found nothing that works this good when fighting off allergies. Take this year round and you'll have minimal allergy complications.

Purchased Natural Capsule on Bonanza
Au Bon Broth - Bone Broth Premium Dehydrated - 60 Capsules -SEE DESCRIPTION - £15.61 GBP

Au Bon Broth - Bone Broth Premium Dehydrated - 60 Capsules -SEE DESCRIPTION

Average review 4 stars
Slow but sure

The Au Bon Broth capsules produced an improvement in my bowel movements. I believe continuing the product is the very best way to get the additional results expected. I find taking two capsules with my morning coffee “seems” to make the dose more effective (while taking the additional four capsules through the day).

Purchased Natural Capsule on Bonanza
DR. OHHIRA'S PROBIOTIC FORMULA, 60 Capsules - Exp 5/2021 or Better - £28.88 GBP

DR. OHHIRA'S PROBIOTIC FORMULA, 60 Capsules - Exp 5/2021 or Better

Average review 5 stars
Good product

I take a probiotic everyday. I ordered from Bonanza because The price and dependability of the product was exactly as stated.

Purchased Natural Capsule on Bonanza
2 PACK Somnapure PM Natural Sleep Aid and Minor Pain Management, 30 capsules - £15.58 GBP

2 PACK Somnapure PM Natural Sleep Aid and Minor Pain Management, 30 capsules

Average review 4 stars
Good product.........

It's a good product, of which I've bought online many times before. I found it on Bonanza somewhat by accident and I'm glad I did, because I hate sites with the fine print that charge you a monthly, recurring charge (and the hassle of calling them back and telling them to cancel, etc., and you have to scream into the phone because you have contacted India) when all you wanted to do is buy the product once.

Purchased Natural Capsule on Bonanza