(PDF format-single and double pages), convenient menu and navigation.Language German
1.Michel CEPT Catalog 2008(CEPT -Conference of European Post and Telecommunications)
ISBN: 9783878588597 Language German ,volume: 480 pages Format: PDF Size: 68 MB.
A specialized catalogue dealing with EUROPA Issues. Michel identifies and prices many varieties that Scott and others ignore, such as paper, color and perf varieties, souvenir sheets and imperfs, as well as FDCs and much more. A necessary stamp catalog to have at your fingertips if you are serious about EUROPA - CEPT issues.Fully illustrated in color, priced in Euros (€).
2.Michel Special catalog of Germany 2015 Language German :
Band 1:45rd edition,1849-April 1945,1150 pages,(Over
5300illustration),PDF 487 MB,ISBN 9783954021314
Band 2:45rd edition,May 1945-2015,1406 pages,(Over
8600 illustration),PDF 631 MB.ISBN 978395402132
3.2013 Michel Ganzsachen Europa ab 1960
Ostliches Europa.8th edition; Catalogue of the postal stationery of Europe after 1960 volume 2 Eastern
Europe: with the new issues of Bulgaria, Byelorussia, Greece, Moldavia, Poland, Romania, Russia Federation,
Turkey, Turkish Cyprus, Ukraine with the catalogue data since 1960. Valuations in Euro.PDF 81MB.
1043pages.ISBN 9783878580577
4.2003/2004 Michel Ganzsachen Katalog Europa West.Catalog of whole things of Western Europe.8th edition
PDF 52 MB.978 pages.ISBN 9783878586388
5.2002 Michel Ganzsachen Katalog Deutschland PDF 33,5 MB.532 pages. ISBN9783878586361
6.1999 Michel Spezial Katalog der deutschen Privatpostmarken.3rd Edition,(1894-1998), 213 pages,
ISBN 9783878584964, PDF 68 MB.Language: German.Prices in German marks
7.2012 Michel Russland Spezial Katalog.PDF 87 MB.358 pages.ISBN9783876581932 Language German.
8.2005/2006 Michel Sowjetunion Spezial Katalog.1rd edition.PDF 322MB,468 pages.ISBN 9783878583851
A specialized catalogue of the issues of the Soviet Union (CCCP) from 1923 to 1991, including postage and air amil issues, postage dues, locals, postal stationery, proofs and much more. 954 pages, laminated card soft covers, over 6,000 color illustrations, in German, priced in Euros, NEW. Michel identifies and prices many varieties that Scott and others ignore, such as cancels and usages; papers, watermarks, color and perforation varieties, imperforates, multiples, never hinged stamps, stamps on cover, and much more.
I send with Bulgarian Post