Due to popular demand, we decided to offer up our special Naga Magic Ritual Pack to a worthy Keeper. Only one will be ever offered here up for sale.


The Naga Magic Ritual Pack contains the spiritual essence and powers of a Naga Goddess and her legions of Naga Warriors and Naga Priests.

She is a wise, calm and benevolent entity, but you should be careful with her. Treat her with respect, for she is old, all-knowing and royalty.

She and her legions hold power over naga magic, water magic, healing, prosperity, long life, protection magic, astral projection, protection against illnesses and diseases, spiritual awakening, lucid dreaming, power absorption, mind reading, energy draining, regeneration, enchanced hearing, water generation, energy emission, thermal resistance, life vision, knowledge replication, super intelligence, vitality, reality warping, energy conversion, power replication and cosmic telepathy.

They will gladly teach you these powers, how to master them and use them to fulfill your desires.

Their names, full powers, etc. will be provided to the new Keeper.

The Naga Magic Ritual Pack contains a bracelet, that contains the Naga Goddess' spiritual essence and powers, two spellcast candles, spellcast incense, channeling stones, naga oil, naga elixir, a small bag of special spiritual herbs and a wooden charging box.

No bonding ritual is required. Just by wearing the bracelet, you will be able to bond with the Naga Goddess and her servitor entities.
