Band Waggon

Releasedon March 23, 1940: British comedian Arthur Askey brings laughs to the big screen as he stumbles upon a secret Nazi television setup, and proceeds to put on a show for them.

Directed by: Marcel Varnel

Written by: John Watt, Harry S. Pepper, Gordon Crier, Vernon Harris , J.O.C. Orton, Val Guest, Marriott Edgar and Robert Edmunds.

The Actors: Arthur Askey Arther Askey, Richard Murdoch Stinker Murdoch, Patricia Kirkwood Pat, Moore Marriott Jasper, ghost/caretaker, Freddie Schweitzer himnself, accordian player, Bruce Trent himself, Michael Standing himself, C.H. Middleton himself, Jasmine Bligh herself, The Sherman Fisher Girls dancers, Jonah Barrington himself, Paul Holt himself, Peter Gawthorne Claude Pilkington, Donald Calthrop Hobday, Wally Patch Commisssionaire, Richard Coke unknown, Gordon Court unknown, Noel Dainton saboteur, Eleanor Farrell the tall female 'Old King Cole' singer, Charlie Forsythe male 'Old King Cole' singer, Richard George official, James Hayter unknown, Adolf Hitler himself, newsreel footage, Michael Hordern unknown, Jack Hylton himself, bandleader, Meinhart Maur German General, Bernard Miles saboteur, Charles Oliver saboteur, Addie Seamon short female 'Old King Cole' singer, Pat Williams unknown.

Runtime: 1h 52m

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