please check out the store under pendulums for more. We will be adding more every week!
This beautiful pendulum has been created by me, cleansed to remove inpure energies , and then cast with a 33 of spells to make it one of the MOST Accurate !
Enhance your connection to the Spirits and the spirit Realm.
The Perfect pendulum for all of your magickal needs.
get answers from spirits
talk to your spirits
talk to angels
talk to your guides
They can all provide you with unlimited answers.
Yes, there are lots of pendulums out there.. why buy from us???
All our pendulums are cleansed and blessed before we put them up forsale.
If you have tried other pendulums and had no luck. these are for you. many pendulums are mass made. These come to us and are cleansed and blessed so that no unknown residual ior negative energies come with them.
Many blessings and happy buying
this is a new pendulum blessed by the coven
The first thing you must do is discover how the pendulum is going to respond to your questions. You must therefore ask it to demonstrate its four positions: search, yes, no and maybe. You can do this either out loud or mentally (if you're not alone!).
Hold the top of the chain or cord between your thumb and forefinger, letting the pendulum hang down - it might be easier of you rest your elbow on a table. Make sure the pendulum is still then ask it to show you its search position. It will either stay still or start to move. Make a note of this (and the type of movement, if it moves).
Now ask the pendulum to show you its yes response - you can do this by asking it a question you know the answer can only be an affirmative (e.g. Is today Saturday). The pendulum will start to move - if it doesn't, swing it in a gentle circular direction and then watch to see what movement it settles into. It might swing backwards and forwards or from side to side. Do this a couple of times to check that this definitely is a yes response.
Repeat this process to discover the no response - once again, ask a question to which the only answer can be in the negative. The pendulum will start to swing in a direction that's different from the yes response. Again, check this a couple of times to ensure that both you and the pendulum are clear about what no means.
Now ask the pendulum to show you its fourth response - which you can interpret as maybe or silly question. Just ask the pendulum a very silly question (not one that could elicit a no response however). If the pendulum does not start to move, again swing it in a gentle circular direction then watch to see what movement it settles into. It could be elliptical or diagonal for example.
You now have the four pendulum responses and you should keep practising them every day for about a week so you're completely familiar with them. Sometimes the pendulum can play games and muddle up its responses. If this happens you need to be firm with it and ask it to co-operate. This might sound bizarre, yet what you're really doing is instructing your subconscious (not the pendulum) to try harder.
No matter how many times you've used your pendulum, you should always check the four responses before you ask it any questions. Sometimes it will change the direction of yes and no, and this can cause havoc if you aren't aware of it!
pendulum: aventurine PENDULUM