One question Four card spread: $10.00
four question 10 card spread: $30
Live chat via Yahoo messenger: 99 cents a minute. Minute packages can be purchased in advance.

My name is Cynthia Rose,
I am a master Tarot reader, and well versed in matters of the heart. I truly believe if you're reading this you were led to me. Let me tell you a little about myself. My name is Cynthia Rose Advisor/Healer and Gifted Spiritual worker.I have 50 years reading experience, tarot, astrology, numerology and world events. With my life changing insights and uncanny predictions you will gain new perspectives on your life. I have very successfully advised clientele from all walks of life. Providing therapeutic comfort, where I only provide the precise answers my clients deserve and need to hear, but also provide clarity on exactly how to go about achieving desired goals.
I can accept payment via PayPal only, there are many tricksters out there.
All readings are commenced within 24 hours of your purchase.
Chat sessions must be purchased in advance, as I need to be sure I can focus all my energies on you, my client, and to connect with your heart spirit.
I look forward to hearing from you.


Many Blessings,
Cynthia Rose