Very Powerful Halloween One Wish Ritual-Very Limited Quantity!


What if you had a chance to get the one thing that you wanted most in this world? Use this extremely powerful Halloween ritual to make that happen.....


There is an incredibly strong energy in the air on Halloween night waiting to be harnessed. My djinn will take advantage of this energy and use it to help you..... 

This wish is completely customizable for you. You can wish for anything that you like....


There are a very limited number of slots (15) and they fill up quickly every year. I cannot offer anymore. Take advantage of this opportunity and change your life for the better.


What do I need to do?

1. Purchase this listing with the buy it now.

2. Send my your name, date of birth, your wish to me to [email protected].

3. I will contact you for the best time for to cast the spell.

4. Believe.You must BELIEVE in the spell's power for it to work.


Money Back Guarantee:

If you do not see results within 60 days, email me and your money will be refunded to you.


Who I Am:

My name is Jessica Black. My grandmother taught me the ancient art of magic when I was a little girl. I have been a practitioner of the magic arts for over fifteen years. I specialize in white magic and djinn use.

This is the first time I have ever offered my services online. I am trying to reach out and help those who need it most. This service is priced to a minimum. I want everyone to enjoy my genie's power.