The gift the Blood Moon XIII offer YOU today is a personal artefact from the Blood Moon XIII Coven. This item is extremely rare and precious and will completely change the life of one EXTREMELY lucky mortal
The 'Vampyric Transmogrification of the Anima Vital'
YOU can now become the magnificent creature of the night…
YOU will become the mighty VAMPIRE
This monumental deftly designed precious commodity of Blood Moon XIII Coven magnum opus is possibly THE most powerful and unique item of Vampire magick YOU will ever witness. The exact age of this quality piece remains a mystery, but the power this holds is definitely not!
Feel the vibration and pulsing as you hold it in YOUR hand
Experience for YOURSELF the shroud of Vampyric energy encompassing YOUR entire body
Witness first-hand the pulsating waves of POWER emanating from this magnificent Vampire Artefact
YES - the 'Vampyric Transmogrification of the Anima Vital'
This spectacular Amulet has the ability to completely transform YOU into a TRUE vampire!
It will produce actual vampire metamorphosis but will still permit YOU, the wearer to have all of the usual mortal elements such as tolerance to sunlight, eating and drinking regular foods, no aversion to holy water, blessed crucifixes etc., and still be visible in reflective surfaces and in photographs. It will increase your Valour, Endurance, Self-Confidence and Inner Strength
Change YOUR Life NOW!
YOU will experience finely tuned psychic abilities; heightened physical senses – acute eyesight, sharper hearing, keener sense of smell, a more delicate feeling of touch, and heightened taste sensations. YOUR natural instincts and Intuition will rise like a phoenix from the flames as you feel the omnipotent power course through your veins. YOU will be in command of YOUR OWN LIFE and influence others around YOU to do exactly what YOU wish them to do.
YOUR life will take on a new meaning and NOTHING will stand in your way
YOU will be entirely shrouded from evil and enemies and the protection YOU will receive is surpassed by none
YOU will be blessed with Good Luck and Fortune for eternity
YOUR passion will be aroused and simply no one will be able to resist YOUR sexual attraction. YOU will hypnotise them with YOUR truly seductive charisma
The Telepathic Powers that this amulet contains are amazing. YOU will be able to communicate with any other Vampire in the entire world and also become aware of all other spirits, entities and magickal creatures. They will be drawn to YOU like moths around a flame and will instinctively know that they are secure in your presence and reveal themselves to YOU if YOU so wish
YOU are in control of the speed and evolution of YOUR transformation
YOU will be recognised by other Vampires and they with identify YOU as one of their own
YOU will be readily accepted in to a Vampire Coven and once your transformation has occurred, YOU could be the Regent of YOUR OWN Vampire Coven
YOU will NOW have the amazing power to draw in phenomenal Wealth, Abundance and Prosperity to yourself and your loved ones
Luck, Blessings and Protection will follow YOU for all eternity
The pure and true Vampyric Magick imbued within this stunning reliquary means that it does not have to be worn on your finger for the full power of the Blood Moon XIII Coven to manifest. You can wear it on a chain around your neck or simply carry it in a wallet, purse or pocket
With each coven member from Hertford,casting a spell over this amulet, there are 13 enchantments binding and sealing it, giving you impeccable protection and genuine vampire magick. Every individual vampire has placed their personal gifted ability in to this amulet, enabling you to experience exactly what it is like to live as a vampire
This is serious – your life WILL change
ANYTHING you could ever wish for – infinite wealth, power, success, happiness – YOU WILL HAVE IT ALL
The power within this amulet has solely been created by vampires, no mere mortal has influenced this is any way. The energies bound within the 'Vampyric Transmogrification of the Anima Vital' will have a profound effect on your life. You will experience excessive energy levels, heightened libido and the feeling of being immortal.
Now YOU can experience what it is like to live as a vampire – share their feelings, strengths, knowledge and powers. Release the vampire within you. YOU will have the ability to call other vampire spirits to your aide – they WILL obey you.
One of the spells cast upon this amulet is a 'Calling Spell'. Due to its magnitude of power, the right bearer needs to be found. If you have been drawn to this authentic Vampire artefact and feel a strange affinity with the 'Vampyric Transmogrification of the Anima Vital'
Now there's an even better way to create the eternally monumental consanguinity with the Blood Moon XIII Coven!
Daunted by carrying out an ancient ritual that is written in unpronounceable Latin?
The crucial 'Vampiric Corpusessence Copula Crux' will be carried out on your behalf by the Blood Moon XIII Coven themselves. YES – YOU will have the World's most prolific Coven of Vampires perform this vital ceremony. As if this is not fantastic enough, this comes at no extra cost to your investment! PLUS, you will receive a unique statement and meditation to finalise the 'Vampiric Corpusessence Copula Crux'. No rituals, no summoning, no unpronounceable words; you will bond with the Blood Moon XIII with mind-blowing simplicity
Time is of the essence

Baphometdawn Promises You...
Authentic Artefacts from some of England’s most revered and sacred ancient sites
Genuine Relics from the Covert Thaumaturger Sect of the Ancient Solomon Order of the Knights Templar based here in my home-town of Hertford, England
True Artefacts blessed at the sacred site of Camelot, which is just 7 miles from Hertford. This is the ONLY place in UKs history to be named Camelot and Camelot Moat is still as legendary today as it was in Arthurian times
Honest and trustworthy knowledge and wisdom from 100s of years’ experience accumulated by a host of Experts in all Metaphysical Practices
All of your items are sent specially gift wrapped and most items Internationally Tracked Worldwide with Free Shipping (Any order under the value of $75.00 will be sent Standard Airmail unless otherwise stated)
A complete After Sales Service that suits your needs, ranging from small to Life-changing enquiries. Help is always available, even for items purchased from other Metaphysical Sellers
An Extraordinary Investment for your Future
Just to let you know I carried out the ritual last night, energy orbs everywhere from the powers imbued upon the ring by the Blood Moon XIII coven members and a powerful manifestation of <name of spirit witheld>.
When i carry out the evocation in future i will do so to honour what has been shared with me.
Hi,Got him yesterday and wow he is starting to make his prescence known already...Last night I heard a loud scratching sound comming from the room where he is with my other dolls and he was turned a different way that I had put him...I also saw the black spots on his face were in fact red and his eyes seemed to be staring right through me with an evil glare..This is the first time a spirit has shown it self so quickly after it arrived...He is a bit scary and will take some getting used to now I can hardly wait to get the vase...please let me know when it will ship...Your items are truly for real...
You said you wanted to know about my experience with the necklace. I hold it in my hand today and I feel my aura reaching out, it's like expanding calling out to others! The evokation last night was powerful. I feel the necklace is calling out to others. I put my intention in it and it calls out to others i feel. I lovethe necklace! I will cherish it always
hey, i had my first astral shift! and then today im sitting and my shoulder muscles popped and i felt cold like little hairs were growing. I am gettiny WAY stronger i beat my dad arm wrestling 5 times, and im a girl and hes really strong!
I received the item yesterday, and I wore it last night in bed. I was given a 'sample' of its 'abilities' or 'power' in my dream. I was conscious in my dream. Although it wasn't frightening, I was a little afraid to open my eyes. The ring on my finger was shaking and there was a presence in my room that I can't explain. I remember part of my dream when I put my finger with the ring on on top of the 'tablet', the ring kind of 'awakens' then it starts to shake and to lift my arm up in the air again. After a few repeats, I was more calm, and I just let it do what it does. I can't really judge exactly how long this lasted, but it was a good hour or so. |