Confetti Maple Leaf Gold, Orange and Reds - 2 Sizes to Choose

SHAPE: Maple Leaf 1/2" and Maple Leaf 7/8"

COLOR MIX: Golds, Oranges, and Reds

Shipped From: Los Angeles (Not China)

Delivery in: 3-10 Days (Not 30 to 90 Days)

Free Freight:  Price Includes Shipping

Shipped USPS: 

Jimmy Jems? Confetti INVENTED METALLIC SHAPED CONFETTI IN 1987 in Los Angeles, and has been the world leader in Confetti for over 30 years. Our first Shapes were Hearts, Stars, Polkadots, and Jimmies? (which look like the chocolate dashes that are sprinkled on top of an ice cream cone).  Hence our Brand Name "Jimmy Jems? Confetti" .... Go on a sprinkle spree?.

Yes, Confetti has existed since the late 1890's, and we all know of Times Square Ticker Tape Parade, but back in 1984, a fellow UCLA Grad and I, started a company making hand made Greeting Cards.  A few of our designs had paper confetti circles enclosed, and one day the idea came about to cut shapes from some metallic plastic.  It took us a year, actually a few to perfect the machines, and dies, but finally we mastered the idea.

We have been selling Confetti ever since, in fact over 50 million 1/2 oz Bags (that's over 1.5 million Pounds !), and at one time had over 2500 shapes and sizes.  Odds are, if you have bought confetti from Michaels, Party City, Hallmark, Macys, or anyone of 10,000 retailers in the US, Europe and Mexico you have shared some joy, created many smiles, or added some or alotta love to someone you care for, with the help of this TRUELY AMERICAN product.

How many pieces of confetti per half pound?

The great unknown. As every confetti has it own shape and thus area and weight, we simply do not count. For example a 1/4' Square would weigh more than a 1/4" polkadot (circle), and of course a 1/2' Star, would weigh more than both. Then we have the mixed shape confetti that would never have the same exact proportion of shapes per each lb. Lastly, the weight of the material we use sometimes fluctuates. NIGHTMARE!!! So, we decided from the beginning to sell by weight and not by volume or piece. But, for some sort of reference, Jimmy instructed the crew in the back to come up with some numbers and here it goes. Remember - this is an estimate ONLY. In a half pound there is approx 25,000 - 1/4" Polkadots, and 5,000 - 3/4? Stars

How many tables can I decorate with a half pound of Confetti?

20-30 tables per half pound, (2 - 4 per oz.) depending on the size and shape of the confetti and how liberally it is used. As well, it also depends on how wild and crazy you are!!

 How many invitations, envelopes per half pound?

You can fill about 60-125 envelopes per half pound. This is 8-16 envelopes per oz.

What is the Volume in a half pound bag of confetti?

A pound of confetti can be dramatically different between styles. The difference is obviously due to the size of the shape, but a significant factor is the complexity of the shape, and how they intertwine. A Polkadot (circle) have no points or edges to stick so they seem always to stack, while a "Happy Birthday" word will intertwine until the cows come home. Jimmy again, asked the crew to come up with some figures. In a Half Gallon Milk Carton, there is approximatedly 2 lbs of 1/4" Polkadots, and 1 lb of Happy Birthday Words.

What is your Confetti made of?

First, we do not make or color the material. We buy the material and then place it on our cutting machines. We use a wide variety of materials. Most notably Ridge PVC and PET (Both Phthalate-free) Both are plastics. Some colors such as White, Black and Pastels are Extruded, basically meaning that the color is mixed into the plastic before it is made into plastic sheets, then rolls. So if you cut into the sheet it will be completely white, or black though out. Iridescents are made by applying a thin iridescent film to a clear plastic sheet. Hypothetically this film could peel off, but this rarely happens. All the other colors are made by "Metalizing" (or one could say - "by Painting"), the surface of ONE side with a metallic color. So, you could scratch one side with no change, while scratching the opposite side would scrape away the color.

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