iLIVE iLIVE Waterproof Bluetooth 2-pk. Stake Speakers Black

*Enjoy summer's best events outside with tunes on – rain or shine! *Waterproof speakers connect to Bluetooth-enabled devices *Includes Aux-in cables, SD card slots and FM radio for versatile entertainment *Speakers have removable 10" stakes to be placed in the ground *Built-in rechargeable batteries can be solar powered or charged with included USB cables *90-day limited manufacturer warranty

  • Enjoy summer's best events outside with tunes on – rain or shine!
  • Waterproof speakers connect to Bluetooth-enabled devices
  • Includes Aux-in cables, SD card slots and FM radio for versatile entertainment
  • Speakers have removable 10'' stakes to be placed in the ground
  • Built-in rechargeable batteries can be solar powered or charged with included USB cables
  • unit count: 1.0
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