Sceptre Quartz
Location: The well-known Riemvasmaak, Orange River Area, Northern Cape, South Africa.
Weight of Specimen: 7 g
Sceptre Quartz
Location: The well-known Riemvasmaak, Orange River Area, Northern Cape, South Africa.
Weight of Specimen: 2.2 g
Meaurements: 20 mm x 12 mm x 10 mm
Two sceptres intersecting. One has a single secondary crystal and the other has 2 secondary crystals.
Scepter quartzes are crystals in which a second generation crystal tip grew on top of another quartz crystal. To be a scepter quartz, the second generation quartz crystal must grow parallel to the underlying crystal.
International Buyers: We will combine shipping. It is one rate up to an 8 oz package.
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Sceptre Quartz
Location: The well-known Riemvasmaak, Orange River Area, Northern Cape, South Africa.
Weight of Specimen Approximately: 3.1 g
Measurements Approximately: 1 cm x 1 cm x 2.5 cm
Scepter quartzes are crystals in which a second generation crystal tip grew on top of another quartz crystal. To be a scepter quartz, the second generation quartz crystal must grow parallel to the underlying crystal.
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