- You will get 2000 Seeds of Mustard Florida Broadleaf Spring Herb Seeds.
- Soil Type: Chalk, Clay, Loam, Peat, Sand, Silt.
- Sunlight: Partial Shade, Full Sun, Medium Sun.
- Life Cycle: Annual.
- Watering: Medium.
- Cultivating Difficulty: Easy.
- Florida broadleaf mustard greens are amazingly fast growing!
- Versatile Florida broadleaf mustard can be grown as a microgreen or a cover crop!
- Our Non-GMO broadleaf mustard can actually yield a crop within 45 days!
- The flavor of Florida broadleaf mustard is said to have a hint of spice along with a sweet, delicate flavor that is similar to arugula.
- These mustard greens are an excellent fresh addition to salads, sandwiches or they can be sauteed, steamed or braised!
- This fast growing mustard variety makes it an excellent choice for cover cropping as well
- Heirloom mustard is being used extensively as a natural means of soil fumigation. When mustard roots decomposes, natural chemicals are released which can kill or prevent the spread of harmful fungi like Rhizoctonia, nematodes and other plant pests.
- The large, tough roots of Florida broadleaf mustard will help loosen and soften hard soil after a growing season. In addition, the roots can scavenge for excess nitrogen that wasn't completely used from the previous crop and lock it up in an organic form.
- Planting mustard in containers or window boxes after the other flowers have expired will allow you to reuse the container soil next season.
- Its flower nectar attracts small bees and flower flies which will help in developing the beneficial ecology needed in the garden. In particular, the awesome Syrphid Flies are attracted to black mustard flowers, and these devour vine chewing insects.
- Mustard's pungent foliage is generally avoided by most mammals including deer! It can also repel other destructive garden creatures.
- Mustard is also a medicinal herb that has been used for centuries to treat a variety of ailments. It is considered by many herbalists to be a decongestant, digestive aid and also an appetite stimulator.