This is an exciting graphic novel featuring the iconic superhero, Superman. The story is a part of the All-Star Superman series and is a Black Label Edition paperback or softback. It is written by Jamie Grant, illustrated by Frank Quitely, and directed by Grant Morrison. The comic is a must-have for fans of the modern age of comics and superheroes.

The graphic novel includes a star-studded cast of characters such as Lilo, Martha Kent, Lucy Lane, Bar-El, Steve Lombard, Bizarro, Kal Kent, Jimmy Olsen, Zibarro, Jonathan Kent, Cat Grant, Superman (Clark Kent), Pete Ross, Lana Lang, Samson, Lara, Bizarro Flash, Atlas, Krypto, Solaris, General Lane, Parasite, Bizarro Jor-El, Jor-El, Van-Zee, Leo Quintum, Perry White, Nasthalthia Luthor, Lex Luthor, Lois Lane, and Bizarro Green Lantern. The comic is in English and is a must-have for collectors and enthusiasts of the genre.