




With the alignment  of this SPELL, your entire energy system
receives an intense 'light acceleration' that restructures it to both
hold and handle more light.


This light-acceleration
continues to deepen with further, more advanced alignment of transmitted energies 
which enable deeper energy healings to be performed by the receiver as well.
Essentially the 'transmission' is for the light gifts received and then setting the context for the
bigger picture of energy reception. 
With this spell, your energy field will expand and allow for you to be able to receive and as a result transmit a greater volume of light energies.

The higher the volume of Divine light that one is able to withhold and transmit, the more powerful and potent each energy healing ability received will progress and advance in technique as well as transmission of these divine "highest light" energies.

One's consciousness will also receive the direct transfer of these abilities and techniques and inherently know how to utilize them unpon the reception and  alignment  of this transmitted acceleration of light.

Please allow 2- 4 days for this to align