50-200X CAST


Clear Past negative Relationship Interference Spell

One of the biggest things this spell does it to clear out of negative energy stored within one's heart or one's target's heart. 

This can help you clear out the negative energy left behind from previous relationships. Past relationships often leave energetic residue behind, even if they ended mutually and amicably. When you are bound with another in a relationship, you create energetic cords and bonds. Even long after a breakup or negative interraction, these cords can remain, keeping you attached on some level. This activation can remove them so that you are totally free. That way you can open yourself up to the energy of LOVE.

Aside from clearing out old cords and energy, This spell also opens the heart energies. It’s very difficult to attract love or allow otherds to become close to you if your heart is not ready. It must be cleared and free from the negative energy created by old upsets and disappointments. The heart must also cultivate self-love before it can truly connect with love.
This activation can help you clear any negative energy housed deep within your heart.


The unconditional love of universal life force energy will help you release negative vibrations and patterns, allowing you to heal. You will also grow to love and value yourself more, thus preparing the way for love's arrival.

Please allow 7-14 days for this to align