Three in one capsule: New! Vitamin C and D complex with the addition of zinc for adults from SupHerb

A selected combination of essential vitamins and minerals that work together for the body's natural defenses.

The supplement Vitamin C and D supplement with zinc from SupHerb is the simplest, easiest, and most convenient way to get all the health benefits of the vitamin C, vitamin D, and zinc components.
The components of the complex have been researched as contributing to the body's natural protection and working together for the proper functioning of the various body systems.

Vitamin C
Vitamin C belongs to the family of water-soluble vitamins and is known to be important for immune boosting.

Vitamin D
Vitamin D is known to be of great importance for body function in a variety of areas. In recent years, there has been a growing awareness that vitamin D deficiency exists in all population groups - even though we live in a sunny country. Taking a daily supplement of vitamin D is currently recommended by doctors, pharmacists, nutritionists, and global health organizations.
Recently, and against the background of the closure at home, a directive was issued by the Ministry of Health with a recommendation for taking vitamin D at a dose of 800-1000 IU per day.

The Superherb complex contains an optimal dose of 1000 vitamin D per capsule.

Zinc is considered a mineral involved in a variety of biological processes that take place in the human body and is important for the activation of many enzymes that are important for the proper functioning of various body systems.

100 capsules