Winston Churchill: The Wilderness Years, 1928-39 (Box Set) DVD (2001) Robert
Winston Churchill: The Wilderness Years, 1928-39 (Box Set)
Leading Actor:
Robert Hardy
Region 0
480 mins
DVD / Box Set
No. of Discs:
4 disc(s)
Studio / Publisher:
Delta Home Entertainment
UK Release Date:
03 Dec 2001
Box Set

All eight episodes of the critically acclaimed drama about the life of Winston Churchill before he became Prime Minister. Starring Robert Hardy as Churchill, Peter Barkworth as Stanley Baldwin, and Eric Porter as Neville Chamberlain. In the opening episode, 'Down and Out', it is the last months of 1928 and Churchill is the most powerful man in the cabinet besides the PM, Stanley Baldwin. However, he has enemies within the Conservative party, notably Neville Chamberlain and Sam Hoare. The Tories lose the election in 1929 and a disillusioned Churchill leaves Britain to lecture across America to earn money. But Wall Street crashes, his hard-earned money disappears and he returns to Britain a depressed man. The second episode, 'Politics Are Foul', centres on the Indian question, the fall from grace of the Labour government, Churchill's speech against the Tory party which alienates him once again from his party, and his self-imposed exile in the South of France. In episode 3, 'In High Places' Hitler declines a dinner invitation whilst Churchill is in Munich. Churchill returns to warn Britain of the Nazi party and is thrust into a full-blown campaign against the India Bill. Whilst in episode 4, 'A Menace in the House', much of Churchill's political efforts during 1934 are concentrated on the corruption in politics and especially Parliament. The Committee of Privileges is formed which sets out to investigate the India Office and its tight relationship with the Manchester cotton industry. In episode 5, 'The Flying Peril', Churchill makes a speech in the House of Commons about the threat of Nazi Germany and his career seems to take a turn for the better. However, after the Tories win the General Election, Churchill finds himself excluded from the Cabinet, but his fighting spirit remains. Episode 6, 'His Own Funeral', sees Churchill hoping that the government will see the danger of Hitler, after German troops are moved into the Rhineland. He is also collecting informants and seems to be the only man in Britain who is really qualified to speak out about the threat of Germany. Episode 7, 'The Long Tide of Surrender', sees the strength of Nazi Germany growing and all Churchill's warnings now ringing true. The final episode, 'What Price Churchill?', sees Neville Chamberlain famously saying 'Peace in Our Time!' and Parliament believing it. Churchill is once again out on his own and begins to organise an alternative cabinet. However, after Chamberlain announces to the nation on 3rd September that Britain is at war, Churchill is finally given a role to play and is famously pictured coming out of Number 10 puffing a cigar. Please note this DVD is region 2 and will only work in the following regions Japan, Europe, South Africa, the Middle East (including Egypt) and Greenland, Unless you have a multi-regional DVD Player.