About The Book: This volume provides the chronicle of Buddhism from its very beginnings, i.e., the life of Prince Siddhartha, his path to enlightenment and his vision of Buddhism. It helps to understand the Philosophical concepts such as the Karma, Samsara, Dukkha (suffering), Salvation, and Nirvana. It covers the spread of Buddhism to different countries and the maturation of different identities, with practices distinct to each sect. It covers teachings of Buddhism, its development into an international religion and the various schools that emerged with time. The book unfolds the best in Buddhism. It also covers various customs and traditions. The wide range of matter dealt within this volume presents the panoramic view of the Buddhism and the culture of Buddhists in its different facets and in the different periods of history. About The Author: V.S. Bhaskar, was born on 4th July, 1929 in a family of academicians. An alumnus of Agra University, he was from very beginning, interested in Buddhism. Throughout his life, he worked hard for the spread of Buddhism in India. After retiring from Ministry of Commerce, he now devote all his time in propagating teachings of Buddhism. He was President of Buddha Upasak Sangh, Janakpuri Branch. He is the founder member of Siddharth Social and Cultural Association, Noida. He was President of this society from 1996 till 1999. CONTENTS: Preface ix, 1. Buddhism: An Introduction 1, 2. History 17, Origin, Early History, After Mauryas, Medieval History, Sunga Period, Satavahana Period, Kanishka Period, Gupta Period, Harshavardhana, Period, Modern History, China, Emergence of Schools, Japan, Tibet,West, References, 3. Philosophy 33, Basic Philosophy, Divine laws, Three Universal Truths, The Noble, Eight Fold Path, The Triple Jewels, The Five Precepts, The Wheel, of Life, The Middle Way, Primary Beliefs, Buddhist Way of Life, Final Truth, Sociological Calibre , Ethics, Metaphysics, References, 4. Concept of God 55, Defining God, God in Early Buddhism, Dimensions of God, Deities, Philosophy of God, Messengers of God, Avalokiteshvara, Samantabhadra, Manjusri, Maitreya, Ksitagarbha, Akasagarbha, Vajrapani, Sarva Nivaranavishvakambin, Nirvana, References, 5. Main Figures 73, Main Figures in Early Period, Gautam Buddha, Maudgalyayana, Rahula, Sariputra, Upali, Main Figures in Medieval Period, Ashoka, the Great, Aryadeva, Bodhidharma, Nagarjuna, Nagasena, Dharmaraksita, Main Figures in Modern Period, Mindon Min, Ananda Maitreya, Preah Maha Ghosananda, Tenzin Gyatso, 14th, Dalai Lama, Dhardo Rimpoche, References, 6. Scriptures 93, Divine Words, Religious Scriptures, Buddhavacana, NonReligious, Scriptures, Mahayana Texts, ProtoMahayana Sutras, Tibetan Book, of the Dead, Jataka Tales, References, vi Faith & Philosophy of Buddhism, 7. Teachings 109, Spiritual Teachings, Redemption, Devotion to God, Ethical Actions, Message of Harmony and Love, References, 8. Moral Value System 125, Moral Values, Morality in Life, Moral Values for Leader, Moral Duties, of Subjects, Principles, Pratimoksa, Virtues, Compassion, Moral, Values in Society, Practical Aspects, References, 9. Movements 141, Spiritual Movements, Hinayana, Mahayana, Tantric Buddhism, Reform Movements, Zen Buddhism, Dalit Buddhist Movement, Gyuto, Order, Fo Guang Shan movement, Revivalist Movements, Dhammakaya Movement, Istituto Lama Tzong Khapa, Maha Bodhi, Society, References, 10. Reformers 155, Reformers in Early Period, Anuruddha, Maudgalyayana, Nanda, Khema, Mahapajapati Gotami, Chandrakirti, Naropa, Reformers in, Medieval Period, Shantarakshita, Dahui Zonggao, Zhiyi, Guru, Rinpoche, Sakya Pandita, Lozang Gyatso, Reformers in Modern, Period, Tenzin Gyatso, Bhikkshu Bodhi, Buddhadasa Bhikkshu, Satya, Narayan Goenka, Anagarika Dharmapala, B. R. Ambedkar, References, 11. Major Sects 175, Mahayana Buddhism, Vajrayana Buddhism, Hinayana Buddhism, Zen, Buddhism, References, 12. Demographic Propagation 187, Origin, Early Rise, Factors Responsible for Rise, Buddhism in other, Parts of World, Asia, West, Demographics, References, 13. SocioPolitical Influence 203, SocioPolitical Identity, Buddhism and Politics, Fundamentalism, Contemporary Politics, References, 14. Religious Rituals and Traditions 221, Religious Rituals, Home Worship, Worship in Public, BodhiPuja, Deva Adoration, Social Rituals, Induction Ceremony, Almsgiving, Ceremonial Rituals, Marriage Ceremony, Funeral Rites, Other Rituals, Vassa, Monastic Ordinance, References, 15. Society 239, Social Order, Social Conduct, Traditional Values in Society, Caste, System, Status of Women, References, CONTENTS: vii, 16. Festivals 253, Bodhi Day, Buddha Poornima, Buddhist New Year, Kathina, Losar, Magha Puja, Parinirvana, Poson, Songkran, Wesak Day, References, 17. Religious Places 265, Religious Places in India, Bodh Gaya, Nalanda, Vaishali, Sarnath, Kushinagar, Ajanta and Ellora Caves, Religious Places outside India, Lumbini, Potala Palace, Lake Namtso, Temple of Tooth, Buduruwagala, Dowa Raja Maha Viharaya, References, 18. Art and Iconography 279, History, Architecture, Sculptures, Calligraphy, Present Day Examples, References, 19. Buddhism in Modern World 285, Diaspora, Modern Religious Movements, Spiritual Revolution, Future, Buddhism as a Global Religion, References, Bibliography 299, Index 307 The Title 'Faith and Philosophy of Buddhism written/authored/edited by V.S. Bhaskar', published in the year 2024. The ISBN 9789357224451 is assigned to the Paperback version of this title. This book has total of pp. 322 (Pages). The publisher of this title is Kalpaz Publications. This Book is in English. The subject of this book is RELIGION / PHILOSOPHY. Size of the book is 2.34 x 10.59 cms