ABOUT THE BOOK: This book brings to the reader, all the knowledge required to identify and manage stress. This book covers all the techniques known for identifying and managing stress in an integrated manner, such as positive thinking, exercises, relaxation, laughter, playing with children, travel, yoga, meditation and prayer, making the knowledge complete. Initial chapters deal with the nature and mechanisms of stress. The middle portion deals with the effects of stress on the various physiological and neurological systems in the human body. All coping mechanisms needed to combat stress are discussed in detail, such as positive thinking, exercises, relaxation, laughter, yoga meditation and prayer. A chapter is dedicated to spirituality and its use in managing stress. The book concludes with a case study on an integrated approach to stress management. The case study is gives the reader a practical application of his knowledge on stress. ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Dr. Viswanathan Gopalan, settled in Pune, has had a career spanning several organizations of repute. He has worked in corporates such as HMT, Tata Motors and Tata Technologies. Highly qualified in Engineering with a Doctorate in Management, Dr. Viswanathan has worked in Machine Tools, Automobiles andComputer domains as a senior management team member. Dr Viswanathan has taught several subjects on management in several leading Educational Institutions in Pune. Dr. Viswanathan has presented in national and international conferences, a large number of research papers on management. He is a key member of Vidyavrikshah, an NGO serving the Visually Challenged Children. 'MotivationThe Essence of Living' and 'Knowledge Management In Organizations and In People's Lives' are two books earlier published by Dr Viswanathan. 'Stress Management An integrated Approach' is his third book, meant for the common man as well as the members of the academic, andresearch community. CONTENTS: Acknowledgements 7 Foreword 9 1. Introduction to Stress Management 11 The Effect of Stress on society How Stress Gets Generated The Purpose of this Book. 2. Definition, Nature and Mechanism of Stress 17 What is Stress? (Ref 2, 3, 4) Definition of Stress Nature of Stress Models of Stress by Researchers and Experts Transactional Model Health Realisation/Innate Health Model The Mechanism of Stress Our Body's Reaction to Stress (General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS) by Dr Hans Selye1936 (Ref 5) Major Stressors in LifeList by Thomas Homes and Richard Rahe. 3. Classification, Sources, Personality Types and Stress 27 Classification (Ref 2, 3, 4) Sources of Stress Stressors Personality Types and Stress Profiles of Type A and Type B Personalities (Ref 2). 4. Symptoms of Stress Warning Signs 33 Early Warning Signs of Stress Physical Signs and Symptoms of Stress Emotional Signs and Symptoms of Stress Cognitive/Perceptual Signs and Symptoms of Stress Behavioural Signs and Symptoms of Stress Signs of Stress in the Workplace Executive Stress and Symptoms Stress Arousal Stage Stress Resistance Stage Severe Exhaustion Stage Recent Research Findings: Stress and Aging. 5. The Effects of Stress on Systems in the Body 41 Abnormal Reactions to Stress (Ref 3, 4, 6, 9) Neurotic and Psychotic Disorders The Effects of Stress on Systems in the Body. 6. Coping With Stress: Remedial Actions 45 Remedial Action to Control Stress (Ref 3, 4, 5, 9, 10) Changing Our Thinking Reframing Positive Thinking Difference between Reframing and Positive Thinking. 7. Changing Our Behaviour 51 Changing Our Behaviour Being Assertive Getting Organised/Time Management Other Tips on Time Management Ventilation Transference Humour Therapy Diversion and Distraction Stretch Yourself Gardening Conclusion. 8. Changing Our Life Style 59 Diet Caffeine Alcohol Smoking Sugar Salt Fat Eat a Meal High in Carbohydrates Eat Food High in Fiber> Eat More Vegetables Foods to Eat Foods to Avoid Exercise Aerobic vs. Anaerobic Exercise A Good Exercise Programme Regular Physical Work Low Impact Exercise for Home Warming Up (at least five minutes) Exercising and Conditioning (1520 minutes) Some Recommendations for Improved Fitness An Exercise for the Neck Deep Breathing Nature Walks and Imagery Hydrotherapy: A Warm, Hot Bath Music Therapy Maximising With Music Therapy Introduction to Sleep Disorders. 9. Spirituality in Life Yoga, Meditation, Prayer, Freedom and Enlightenment The Ultimate Concepts Related to Stressfree Living 79 A Brief Philosophy of Yoga (Ref 1,3,4) What is Yoga? The Yoga System Asanas (postures) Pranayama as part of Ashtanga Yoga Yoga's View of Disease Types of Yoga Hatha Yoga ("the yoga of vitality") The Foundation Bhakti Yoga Karma Yoga ("the yoga ofaction") : the Yoga of Selfless Action Raja YogaThe Highest form of Yoga (Ref 1) Mantra Yoga Laya, Tantra or Kundalini Yoga Integral (Purna) Yoga What is Meditation? Meditation Encompasses such Diverse Methods as Indicated Below Types of Meditation Classification (Ref 1) Concentrative Meditation Mindfulness Meditation How Meditation Works (Ref 1) Prayer (Ref 1) Spiritual Healing What is Spiritual Healing? New Age and the Dawning of a New Era Spirituality vs. Religion (Ref 1) Specific Benefits of Developing Your Spirituality The Capacity to Give and Receive Unconditional Love. 10. An Integrated Approach to Stress Management 105 An Integrated Approach to Stress Management Case of Vaibhav, the Retired Old Professional The Solution to the Case of Vaibhav An Integrated Approach to his Stress Changing the Thinking Patterns Changing the Behaviour Patterns Changing Life Style Patterns Spiritual Practices which Can Benefit Vaibhav Conclusion The Integrated Approach to Stress Management. Bibliography 115 Index 117 The Title 'Stress Management : an Integrated Approach written/authored/edited by Dr. Viswanathan Gopalan', published in the year 2016. The ISBN 9789353241049 is assigned to the Hardcover version of this title. This book has total of pp. 119 (Pages). The publisher of this title is GenNext Publication. This Book is in English. The subject of this book is Management. Size of the book is 14.34 x 22.59 cms