HOSTA: It is hard to track down a nursery that is without this versitile East Asian local. Rich foliage in assorted tones, statures and surfaces, combined with its capacity to dominate in profound shade have caught nursery workers' hearts all over the place.
Enormous, upstanding hosta. Heart-formed dim green leaves with irregularlyy velvety edges and a puckered surface. Lavender blossoms. Variegated game of H. 'Krossa Reagal'.
Unrivaled for their delightful foliage, low consideration, and many scene utilizes. Hosta furnish splendid shading in the shade with attractive, wide, ribbed foliage in many tones. Extremely garish from late-winter until pre-winter. Superb for shade, sun or fractional shade....they don't require partitioning. Filled even in soggy areas. Plant 18-24" separated. They require around 1 year to set up a good foundation for themselves.
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