Common name: A nosode from Carcinoma/ Carcinosinum
- Emotional, Passionate individuals with strong desires, push themselves, work hard, strong sex-desire (from early age), surges of passion, outbursts of emotion, expression, live life intensely.
- Fastidiuos, need for order and control over life.
- Cannot rest when things are not in proper place.
- Restlessness, discontent, desire to travel.
- Conscientious, great sense of duty, responsible
- Anticipation.
- Lack of self-confidence.
- Precocity (smart or skilled people who achieve much earlier than usual)
- Sympathetic, Affectionate, sensitive to suffering of people, animals, planet.
- Anxiety for others. Horrible things affect profoundly.
- Want to please other people.
- Fears not to be accepted, not to be loved.
- Sensitive To Reprimands, esp. in children.
- Ailments from rudeness, reproaches.
- Suppress their emotions, the hurt. Yielding, bearing all suffering without protest.
- Ailments from repression excessive parental control, prolonged childhood suffering, severe education, too early responsibility.
- Easily offended, intolerant of contradiction, aversion to consolation.
- Fears: high places, animals, dogs, failure (exams), thunderstorm.
- Anxiety about health (cancer); for others.
- Sensitive to sensual impressions, art, nature.
- Love thunderstorms (Sepia).
- Sensitive to music, rhythm and carcinosin love dancing (Sepia).
- Music aggravates, may cause weeping.
- Slow mental development: easily distracted, difficult concentration.
- Warm blooded, but mostly worse by heat and cold.
- Better by: Sea, Short sleep, Evening.
- Worse by: Vaccination.
- Periodicity: aggravation at 1-6 pm, esp. 5-6 pm. Every 7 days. Annual periodicity. .
- Mononucleosis (abnormally high proportion of monocytes in the blood, especially associated with glandular fever)
- Neurodermitis, dermatitis in which localized areas (especially the forearms or back of the neck or outer part of the ankle) itch persistently.
- Severe inflammatory illness (whooping cough, pneumonia) in early life, childhood.
- Childhood diseases: too soon; or appear after puberty; very severe, or absent.
Food and drinks