Title: A Heap o' Livin' by Edgar A. Guest - Published by The Reilly & Lee Co., Chicago, 1916 - Good Condition with Wear on Hardcover

Description: Step back in time with "A Heap o' Livin'" by Edgar A. Guest, a collection of timeless poems that have captured the hearts of readers for generations. Published by The Reilly & Lee Co. in Chicago in 1916, this vintage edition is presented in good condition, with a hardcover that bears the marks of time, as visible in the accompanying photos.


  1. Poetry Collection: Immerse yourself in the heartwarming and insightful poetry of Edgar A. Guest, whose verses resonate with the joys and challenges of everyday life.

  2. The Reilly & Lee Co. Edition: Published by The Reilly & Lee Co. in Chicago in 1916, this edition reflects the quality and craftsmanship of a bygone era, adding historical value to the collection.

  3. Good Condition: The book is in good condition overall, showcasing the enduring quality of the poems. However, it's important to note that the hardcover exhibits signs of wear, including a small tear at the top of the spine and worn-off gilding on the front cover. Please see the photos of the book to see its condition.

  4. Visual Confirmation: The provided photos serve as a visual confirmation of the book's condition, allowing you to assess its state and note the wear on the hardcover.

  5. Timeless Verses: Edgar A. Guest's poetry is celebrated for its universal themes, making this collection a cherished piece of literature that transcends time.

Whether you're a poetry enthusiast, a collector of vintage books, or someone drawn to the enduring beauty of Edgar A. Guest's verses, "A Heap o' Livin'" is a delightful addition to your library. Seize the opportunity to own this well-preserved edition that not only captures the essence of Guest's poetry but also bears the marks of a century-old literary treasure.