In Sanskrit "Su" means good / auspicious,"asti"  means to exist and"ka" is a suffix. Together the word is derived as"swastika" meaning "All is well / good".  This symbol is therefore used to denoteauspiciousness and good fortune, and is regularly donned on Hindu homes,offices, businesses, shops, wedding cards, cars, temples and any place ofprayers. In Jainism and Buddhism also Swastika is considered as a powerful goodluck symbol. Rangolis at festivals like Diwali generally have Swastika toattract Laxmiji and Ganesha for wealth, health and prosperity. As per VastuShashtra, Swastik Wall hanging is a vastu correction remedy. The four arms ofSwastika are interprted in different ways in different scriptures. E.g. FourHindu Vedas - Rig, Yajur, Sama, Atharva / Four goals of life - Dharma, Artha,Kama, Moksha / four seasons / four directions, / four yugas - Satya, Treta,Dvapara, Kali. This beautiful pure brass Swastika wall hanging is polished withgolden colour to give it a sparkly look. Place it at the entrance of home /office / shop / building etc. to attract good luck and prosperity. The premiumshine will last for a long time. Dimensions of the Swastik wall hanging are:Length 9 cm X Width 0.5 cm X Height 9 cm and weighs approximately 76 grams.

Key Features -

In Sanskrit "Su" means good / auspicious,"asti"  means to exist and"ka" is a suffix. Together the word is derived as "swastika"meaning "All is well / good". This symbol is therefore used to denote auspiciousness and good fortune,and is regularly donned on Hindu homes, offices, businesses, shops, weddingcards, cars, temples and any place of prayers. In Jainism and Buddhism alsoSwastika is considered as a powerful good luck symbol.

Rangolis at festivals like Diwali generally have Swastika toattract Laxmiji and Ganesha for wealth, health and prosperity. As per VastuShashtra, Swastik Wall hanging is a vastu correction remedy.

The four arms of Swastika are interpreted in different waysin different scriptures. E.g. Four Hindu Vedas - Rig, Yajur, Sama, Atharva /Four goals of life - Dharma, Artha, Kama, Moksha / four seasons / fourdirections, / four yugas - Satya, Treta, Dvapara, Kali.

This beautiful pure brass Swastika wall hanging is polishedwith golden color to give it a sparkly look. Place it at the entrance of home/ office / shop / building etc. to attract good luck and prosperity. Thepremium shine will last for a long time. This combo includes set of 2 Swastika.

Dimensions of the Swastika wall hanging are: Length 9 cm XWidth 0.5 cm X Height 9 cm and weighs approximately 76 grams.