Chik 'n Sweet Potato treats couple chewy, nutritious sweet potato with crunchy, delicious, 100% natural chicken breast. These playful treats are high in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, and are make an ideal snack for fun loving dogs. 100% natural chicken breast High-protein, low-fat No additives, preservatives or coloring Pet 'n Shape natural chicken treats are made from 100% natural chicken fillets. Each highly nutritious treat provides your dog with a high-protein, low-fat, natural and healthy snack. Each treat is carefully roasted to ensure the ultimate quality and flavor. Ingredients: Chicken, Sweet Potato, Vegetable Glycerin, Salt. Guaranteed Analysis: Crude Protein (min) - 34.0% Crude Fat (min) - 0.6% Crude Fiber (max) - 2.5% Moisture (max) - 20.0% Calorie Content: 3095 kcal/kg ME (307 kcal/3.5 oz)