Cute? Creepy? Or both!?!?!? lol 

You decide. 8" tall x 5" deep with 8" wingspan Wings are wired so they stay outspread. Just your basic horned, winged devil dog gargoyle companion and sidekick. Super soft and cuddly, these make a unique gift. A nice alternative to the usual stuffed bunnies and bears, perfect for Valentines Day and other special occasions.


I put this one on the dash of my car for trips and refer to her as Satan's Little Helper. Reminds me of my daughter when she was a 2 y.o. 🤗😍😳

Six different designs; bulldog gargoyle, vampire bat, double headed dragon, Cerberus, plus Egyptian Anubis and Bastet. Listings soon!

Comments: I like it! See my Seller ratings and buy with confidence, plus I ship fast!