Hand Picked List: Holiday Gifts for the LADIES

Brought to you by quadrinaTreasures
Main category Jewelry & Watches | View count 175 | Clickthrough count 71
Published on 12/09/20

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User comments on Holiday Gifts for the LADIES

Robin1 says: December 09, 2020

Lovely choices for this holiday gift list, Quadrina, and thank you for including my perfume bottle!

ATEHO says: December 09, 2020

Great picks! There’s a few I would like to have. Thanks for including ATEHO.

Starfisher says: December 10, 2020

So many great items to choose from. I agree with Ateho and thank you for including mine in this wonderful selection.

QuakerMaid_VooDoo says: December 10, 2020

SO many nice things n here. I would say I think I like the nacre jewelry items the best.

VintageVarietyShop says: December 10, 2020

Lots of super selections! Thanks so much for including a couple of mine!

Tobi_Collage says: December 10, 2020

Great list, quadrina – and my thanks for including two of my knit hats!

sparkleize says: December 11, 2020

Thank you for adding my cashmere scarf wrap to your HPL.

perfumeandpharmacy says: December 11, 2020

Thanks so much for including my Victoria’s Secret Tote Bag!
Happy Holidays to you and your family!

MamasStuff says: December 11, 2020

Thanks for including my kitten teapot in your HPL, Quadrina :)

AudiLee says: December 14, 2020

These are awesome picks, quadrina and thank you so much for picking mine as well. I just put my booth on vacation hold til Jan. 1st so unfortunately my items disappeared from your list but I did see them and you rock.. thank you!! <3 :)