Attuning with high-ranking angels can play a pivotal role in our life and spiritual advancement, serving as a bridge between the earthly and the divine. In addition, attuning with these higher beings is thought to not only deepen one's spiritual journey but also to facilitate a profound transformation and enlightenment. By establishing a connection with high-ranking angels, individuals can find a heightened sense of clarity, understanding, purpose, wisdom and peace, enhancing their spiritual well-being, personal growth and contributing to the evolution of one's soul. Through this connection, among others, one can receive divine guidance, experience emotional healing, and gain insights into life's mysteries and the interconnectedness of all things. This sacred interaction is seen not just as a means for personal enlightenment, but also as a way to bring about positive change in the world, embodying higher virtues such as compassion, love, and unity.

Attuning and working with these archangels can bring profound benefits and transformative experiences. Here's a detailed exploration of the purpose of attuning to and collaborating with these archangels:

1. Divine Judgment: These Archangels are revered for their role in delivering fair and just judgment. When you attune to their energy, you gain access to their wisdom, enabling you to make sound decisions and discern right from wrong. They guide you in resolving conflicts and seeking justice in various aspects of your life.

2. Protection of Innocence: These archangels are dedicated to safeguarding the innocent. By connecting with their energy, you can invoke their protective presence to shield you, your loved ones, and those who are vulnerable to harm. They act as guardians of purity and integrity, ensuring that innocence is preserved and honored.

3. Absolution and Forgiveness: These archangels are known for their compassionate and forgiving nature. They assist in seeking forgiveness and absolution, whether it's in your personal relationships or through spiritual practices. They help you release guilt and find redemption, promoting emotional healing and reconciliation.

4. Healing from Magickal Afflictions: Magickal ailments and curses can have a profound impact on one's well-being. These archangels possess the power to combat diseases and negative effects caused by magick and other mystical acts. When you work with them, they can provide protection from harmful energies and aid in your recovery from magickal afflictions.

5. Resolution of Injustices: If you've experienced injustice or wrongdoing, these archangels can assist you in seeking resolution. They inspire you to stand up for what is right and work towards rectifying unjust situations. Their presence empowers you to address and overcome injustices with grace and fairness.

6. Spiritual Growth: Connecting with these archangels can lead to spiritual growth and transformation. They teach the importance of compassion, humility, and forgiveness, nurturing your spiritual evolution.

7. Emotional Healing: The compassionate energy of these archangels supports emotional healing and inner peace. They help you release emotional burdens, find closure, and experience profound emotional relief.

8. Conflict Resolution: Whether you're dealing with personal conflicts or broader societal issues, these archangels offer guidance on peaceful conflict resolution. They promote understanding, cooperation, and reconciliation in relationships and communities.

9. Alignment with Divine Justice: By attuning to their energy, you align yourself with divine justice and universal harmony. This alignment can bring a sense of purpose and clarity to your life's journey.

10. Protection: Also, they provide a protective shield that guards against negative influences and harmful energies. You can call upon their protective presence whenever you feel vulnerable or in need of spiritual safeguarding.

11. Guidance in Decision-Making: When faced with important decisions, these archangels offer guidance and clarity. They help you make choices that are aligned with your highest good and the greater good of all.

12. Healing and Restoration: Their benevolent presence aids in healing physical, emotional, and spiritual wounds. They bring the soothing balm of divine love and light, promoting restoration and renewal.

Attuning to these Archangels is an invitation to embrace qualities of justice, compassion, and healing. Their divine assistance empowers you to navigate life's challenges with grace and integrity, fostering personal growth and spiritual evolution.

Benefits of receiving this energy attunement:

1. Guidance and Clarity: They offer guidance and clarity in decision-making, helping individuals make choices that align with their highest good and purpose.

2. Protection: They act as powerful protectors, shielding individuals from negative energies, injustices, and harmful forces.

3. Justice and Fairness: These archangels advocate for justice and fairness, ensuring that the right outcomes prevail in various life situations.

4. Emotional Healing: Their compassionate presence supports emotional healing, helping individuals release emotional burdens and find inner peace.

5. Healing Energy: They possess healing energy that can bring relief from physical, emotional, and spiritual ailments, promoting holistic well-being.

6. Resolution of Injustices: They assist in seeking resolution and fairness in situations where injustice has occurred, promoting reconciliation and understanding.

7. Conflict Transformation: They promote the transformation of conflicts into opportunities for growth and understanding, fostering harmonious relationships.

8. Spiritual Growth: Individuals on a spiritual journey can benefit from their guidance and support, deepening their connection with the divine and universal energies.

9. Forgiveness and Absolution: These archangels encourage forgiveness and absolution, helping individuals release guilt and find redemption.

10. Alignment with Divine Justice: They bring individuals into alignment with divine justice and universal harmony, supporting a life lived in accordance with higher principles.

11. Restoration: They offer the healing and restoration needed to move forward after facing challenges or injustices.

12. Protection from Magickal Afflictions: They have the power to protect individuals from diseases and negative effects caused by magickal practices or curses.

13. Conflict Resolution: Individuals can receive assistance in resolving conflicts peacefully, fostering reconciliation and understanding among parties.

14. Promotion of Unity: These archangels work to unite individuals and foster harmonious relationships, promoting unity and cooperation.

15. Empowerment: They empower individuals to overcome challenges and obstacles, inspiring them to take positive actions in their lives.

16. Connection with Higher Values: They encourage individuals to live in alignment with higher spiritual and ethical values, promoting personal growth and ethical living.

17. Divine Connection: They facilitate a deeper connection with the divine and universal energies, aiding individuals in their spiritual journeys.

18. Absence of Fear: Attuning with these archangels can dispel fear and insecurity, allowing individuals to approach life with confidence and courage.

19. Resolution of Relationship Issues: They assist in healing and harmonizing relationships, both romantic and platonic, promoting loving connections.

20. Revelation of Truth: Lastly, they reveal the truth about situations and people, ensuring transparency and authenticity.

This transformational attunement offers a profound alteration to your aura and the seven subtle bodies that encompass your being - the Etheric Body, Emotional Body, Mental Body, Astral Body, Etheric Template Body, Celestial Body, and Causal Body. As a result, you'll carry this empowering energy within and around you, creating a continuous stream of healing and upliftment.

Post-attunement, it's common to feel a sense of fatigue for a period of 2-3 days - this is simply your energy body acclimating and integrating the newfound energy. To assist in this process, make sure to take ample rest and hydrate frequently. This facilitates a smooth assimilation of the energy.

Upon completing your purchase, you'll be able to instantly download the manual, enabling you to prepare for the attunement. The actual activation can take place as soon as I dispatch the chi ball to you. This chi ball - an energetic orb filled with the powerful attunement energy - is delivered instantly by the angels.

I will forward your initiation via a single chi ball (energy ball), dispatched within 3 business days post your purchase. Once it's sent, I will notify you through Bonanza messages. No physical items will be mailed to you. You can perform the activation at your own pace and comfort, following the instructions in the manual.


- This session is carried out remotely.

- Your session will be completed within 3 business days from the day of your purchase.

- As soon as I send the chi energy ball, I will notify you via Bonanza messages.

- You won't receive any physical items in your mail.

- The attunement manual will be sent to you via messages as soon as I send the chi ball

* In accordance with legal obligations, please note that this session is provided strictly for entertainment purposes.

* Also, per Bonanza's policies, it's important to clarify that this session does not guarantee any physical results or outcomes.