A pungent, deep, flowery  fragrance from the monastery Vatopedi at the Holy Mount Athos.

Incense is the final product of the combination of frankincense, aroma and magnesium.

Frankincense, which is the base of the incense, is called the aromatic resin extracted from the incised sections of the trunk of the "incense" tree, hence its name.

One of the most ancient and important uses of frankincense was its use in worship ceremonies and especially in church services, in which we have incense as a key element of the formal and worship.

After all, before the beginning of the incense, the priest, blessing the incense, is tied to God as if his offering had as a counter-offer from God, the "grace of the Holy Spirit".

With this in mind, the Fathers of the Monastery produce with personal care, prayer and a great sense of responsibility the most human product, which will be used exclusively for the worship of God.

The Livani produced in I.M.M. Vatopediou is of exceptional quality, with a great variety, without impurities, with aromas that last until the end of its burning.