1887 antique NORTH BROOKFIELD ma HISTORY w FOLDOUT MAP genealogy indian slavery

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This listing is for the hardcover, cloth over board book, measures approx 6.5"x9.5" with 824 pages.

Bookplate from the Private Library of Gilman B. Howe

 History of North Brookfield, Massachusetts by J.H. Temple. With a genealogical register. Published by the Town of North Brookfield, 1887.
Abbott, Gideon, 211, 212, 215, 216, 217. 
Abbott, Isaac, 241. 
Abbott, Capt. Jacob, 201, 215, 216, 221, 222. 
Abbott, Joel, 211, 216, 217. 
Abbott, Jonathan, 210, 215, 222, 226, 236. 
Abbott, Capt. Lewis, 268. 
Abbott, Nathan, 218. 
Abbott, Oued, 210, 217. 
Abbott, Uriah, 215. 
Adams, Abraham, 201, 210, 211, 215. 
Adams, Abraham, Jr., 215, 236. 
Adams, Amos, 226, 230, 236. 
Adams, Rev. Amos, 231. 
Adams, Benjamin, 214, 225, 236, 247, 248, 251, 253, 254, 256, 267. 
Adams, Benjamin, Jr., 241, 268. 
Adams, Charles, 231, 248, 253, 270. 
Adams, Hon. Charles, Jr., 264, 270, 272, 277, 288, 291 ; biographical sketch, 377-81. 
Adams, Jesse, 231. 
Adams, John, 211. 
Adams, Jude, 229, 236, 241. 
Adams, Levi, 288. 
Adams, Measar, 229. 
Adams, Obadiah, 231. 
Adams, Rev. Thomas, 290. 
Adams, William, 234, 287, 291. 
Agawams, The, 21, 127. 
Aiken, B. P., 27. 
Aiken, David, 215. 
Aiken, Israel, 241. 
Aiken, James, 193. 
Ainsworth, Rev. C. W., 284. 
Ainsworth, Daniel, 210. 
Ainsworth, Jacob, 216, 217. 
Ainsworth, Moses, 218. 
Alarm, Great, about Fort William Henry, 213. 
Alderman, Indian, shot King Philip, 131. 
Alexander, Indian, 46, 47. 
Allen, Edward, 233. 
Allen, Elijah, 231. 
Allen, Jason, 234. 
Allen, Jeremiah, 250. 
Allen, John, and wife killed, 66, 
Allen, John, 236. 
Allen, Lieut. Joseph, 209. 
Allen, Nathan, 229, 231. 
Allen, Philip, 233, 235, 236, 
Allotment of lands, 57. 
Allyn, Col. John, 141. 
Alum ponds, 41. 
Ambush of Capt. Thomas Wheeler, Aug. 2, 1675, 8t ; place of, 92-98; lesson of, not regarded, no. 
Andros, Gov., 114, 139, 141; letter of, 141; imprisoned, 141, 142, 143. 
Annoackamor, 42. 
Antagonism of Indian and English races, 71, 73. 
Apeckgonas, John, 78. 
Apequinash, 91, 100. 
Appleton, Rev. Joseph, 258. 
Appleton Library, 277, 291. 
Appleton, Capt. Samuel, 107, 108, 109. 
Arms, Jonathan, 229. 
Armstrong, Timothy, 242. 
Ashley, John, 177. 
Ashley, Ens. Noah, 209. 
Ashley, Robert, 42, 
Ashquoach, 30, 31. 
Ashquoash, 17. 
Ashquoack, 100. 
Asquoach, 53, 54, 100. 
Ashuelot, 127. 
Assault by Indians on Woolcott family, 146-152. 
Atherton, Humphrey, 43. 
Atherton, Rev. Hope, 183. 
Atkins, Rev. Daniel, 284. 
Austin, Nathaniel, 17. 
Avann, Rev. J. M., 285. 
Average of military service adjusted 1778, 238. 
Avery, Capt. , 128. 
Ayres, Benjamin, 181, 194, 227. 
Ayres, Buenos, 241. 
Ayres, Cyrus, 269. 
Ayres, Ebenezer, 205. 
Ayres, Edward, 65, 180, 181, 194, 200, 
Ayres, Edward, 211. 
Ayres, Ephraim, 218. 
Ayres, Jabez, 212, 213, 216, 247, 24S, 23T, 253, 254, 259- 
Ayres, Jason, 242. 
Ayres, Jesse, 242. 
Ayres, Sergt. John, 16, 17, 29, 50, 51, 53, 55, 56, 58, 59, 62, 63, 6s, 69; killed, 82, 92, 93, 97, 106, 108, 136, 172, 180; grants to heirs, 180; family of, 181. 
Ayres, John, Jr., 63, 65, 180, iSi. 
Ayres, John, 235. 
Ayres, Joseph, 65,68, 180, 181, 194, 198, 205. 
Ayres, Mark, 65, 180, iSi, 194. 
Ayres, Moses, 12, 214, 232, 248, 251, 253, 254. 
Ayres, Moses, Jr., 227. 
Ayres, Nathaniel, 65, 180, 181, 194. 
Ayres, Onesiphorus, 211, 214, 227, 234. 
Ayres, Samuel, 63, 65, 180, 181. 
Ayres, Stephen, 218. 
Ayres, Susanna, 181. 
Ayres, Thomas, 65, 180, 181, 194. 
Ayres, William, 13, 200, 247, 248, 249, 251, 254, 262, 267. 
Ayres, William, Jr., 211, 214, 248. 
Ayres, William, 2cl, 226, 227, 233, 256, 263, 267. 
Ayres, William, 3d, 214. 
Ayres, William H., 270, 

Babbitt, Atkin, 227. 
Babbitt, Benjamin, 225. 
Babbitt, Joel, 234. 
Babbitt, Samuel, 234. 
Babbitt, Uri, 233. 
Bacon, Asa, 212, 216, 217. 
Bacon, Ebenezer, 235. 
Bacon, Jarib, 231, 234. 
Bacon, Thomas, 237. 
Bacquag, 34, 120. 
Baird, Dr. Daniel, 260. 
Baker, Ebenezer, 231. 
Baker, John, Jr., 214. 
Baker, Capt. Thomas, 68, 160, 179; memoir of, 183-87; family of, 187,194, 197, 198, 201, 203, 224, 287. 
Baker, Mrs. Margaret (Christin^), 1S6, 187. 
Baker's river, 184. 
Baldwin, Capt. Jeduthan, 210, 216, 225, 226, 228; Col., 233, 246. 
Baldwin, Josiah, 216. 
Baldwin, Levi, 230. 
Baldwin, Simon, 230. 
Ball, Benjamin G., 235. 
Ball, Daniel, 216. 
Ball, Ebenezer, 23t. 
Ball, Jacob, 214, 217. 
Ball, Joseph, 235. 
Ball, Thomas, 11, 15, 214, 216, 248, 255, 266. 
Ball hill, 17. 
Bancroft's History, 72. 
Banister, Andrew, 241. 
Banister, Benoni, 212. 
Banister, Christopher, 212, 214, 217. 
Banister, Jesse, 229, 231, 236, 244. 
Banister, Capt. John, 230, 234. 
Banister, Joseph, 159, 167, 171, 176, 189, 190, 191, 194, 197. 
Banister, Joseph, Jr., 209, 212, 215. 
Banister, Josiah, 213. 
Banister, Seth, 208, 212, 215, 221, 222. 
Banister, Col. Seth, Jr., 226, 228, 229, 231, 244, 246. 
Banister, Solomon, 18, 226. 
Banister, Thomas, 209. 
Banister, Thomas, Jr., 244. 
Banister, Hon. W. B., 18, 289. 
Banister Garrison, 168, 172. 
Banister Public Library, 18. 
Baptist Society, 281. 
Barbadoes, 116. 
Bare-Knoll range, 15, 17. 
Barker, Nathan, 13. 
Barnard, Samuel, 166, 203. 
Barns, Indian, 27, 29, 33, 34, 121. 
Barns, Aaron, 214, 248, 253. 
Barns, Comfort, 199, 210. 
Barns, Daniel, 218, 227, 228, 231, 234. 
Barns, David, 248. 
Barns, Elijah, 232, 241. 
Barns, Jesse, 218. 
Barns, John, 223, 250. 
Barns, Capt. Jonathan, 218, 226, 227, 228. 
Barns, Jonathan, 236. 
Barns, Joseph, 214. 
Barns, Joshua, 232, 235. 
Barns, L. E., 291. 
Bams, Moses, 212, 229, 248, 253. 
Barns, Nathan, 216, 217, 218, 228, 231, 237. 
Barns, Noah, 194, 247, 248, 251, 253, 254. 
Barns, Samuel, 175, 194, 197, 200, 202, 211, 213, 233i 287. 
Barns, Silas, 241. 
Barns, Solomon, 227, 228, 265. 
Barns, Thomas, 13, 65, 66, 67, 143, 145, 155, 158, 
167, 171, 175, 176, 189, 191, 194, 197, 198. 
Barns, Thomas, 210, 266. 
Barns, William, 155, 156. 
Barns, William, 227, 235, 237. 
Barr, Joseph, 210. 
Barre, 35. 
Barre Plains, 34, 95, 96. 
Barrett, Benjamin, 236. 
Barrett, Joseph, 240 
Barrett, William, 268. 
Barron, Isaac, 230, 231. 
Barrows, John, 213, 226. 
Barrows, Rev. J. S., 285. 
Barrows, Rufus, 268. 
Barrus, Joshua, 171, 175, 194. 
Barter with Indians, 48. 
Bartlett, Aaron, 214, 218. 
Bartlett, Abijah, 155, 156, 158, shot by Indians, 
172; heirs of, 194. 
Bartlett, Abner, 227, 228, 231. 
Bartlett, Adoniram, 210, 214. 
Bartlett, Benjamin, 157, 158, 167, 171, 178, 194, 204. 
Bartlett, Ebenezer, 222, 236. 
Bartlett, Elijah, 209, 222, 231. 
Bartlett, Jehoida, 157. 
Bartlett, John, 228. 
Bartlett, Joseph, 15, 214, 234, 243, 248. 
Bartlett, Joseph, Jr., 248. 
Bartlett, Matthew, 212, 214. 
Bartlett, Nathan, 256. 
Bartlett, Nathaniel, 214. 
Bartlett, Noah, 248. 
Bartlett, Obadiah, Lieut., 227, 228. 
Bartlett, Ralph W., 290. 
Bartlett, Samuel, 166. 
Bartlett, Solomon, 234. 
Bartlett, Thomas, 12, 193, 194, 248, 251, 254. 
Bartlett, Wyman, 227, 228, 266. 
Barton, Peier, 242. 
Bascom, Samuel, 209. 
Batcheller, A. H., 272, 292. 
Batcheller, Alden, 2S8. 
Batcheller, Benjamin, 229, 232, 235, 248. 
Batcheller, Breed, 211, 212, 213, 216,217. 
Batcheller, Ezra, Sen., 257. 
Batcheller, Ezra, 263, 269, 270, 287. 
Batcheller, Francis, 296. 
Batcheller, Henry J., 272. 
Batcheller, Tyler, 269, 270, 2S4, 287. 
Batcheller, T. and E., 270-275. 
Batcheller, E. and A. H. & Co., 275, 480. 
Batcheller, William, 216, 217, 218, 219. 
Batcheller, Zephaniah, 217, 218. 
Bates, John, 92. 
Bates, Theodore C, 288, 292, 296. 
Bay Path, 25, 70, 156. 
Beals, William, 237. 
Beamon, Beamin, Daniel, 210. 
Beamon, John, 193. 
Beamon, Josi.ih, 139, 179, 194. 
Beamon, Josiah, Jr., 193. 
Beamon, Samuel, 142. 
Beamon, Simon, 193, 194. 
Bean, Capt. Benjamin, 187. 
Bears, 202, 205. 
Beating papers, 230. 
Beaver dam, 16. 
Bedunah, Moses, 234. 
Beecher, R. E., 291. 
Beecher, Rev. Wm. H., 285, 291. 
Beef for the army, 242, 244. 
Beers plain, 108. 
Beers, Capt. Richard, loi, 103, no; killed, 104, IIS, 116. 
Belcher, Harvey, 270. 
Belding, John, 215. 
Belenger, John, 215. 
Bell hill, 17. 
Bell, John, 208, 209, 227, 228. 
Bemis, Edmund, 208, 211. 
Bemis, Lieut. Jonas, 229. 
Bemis, Reuben, 230. 
Bennington Alarm, The, 235. 
Bent, Rev. Gilbert R., 285. 
Bent, Peter, 112. 
Bettys, Thomas, 159; killed, 166; heirs of, 194, 
Bigelow, Asa, 226 
Bigelow, Jacob, 2x9. 
Bigelow, Jason, 248, 251, 253, 254, 259, 261, 262, 263. 
Bigelow, Lieut. John, 265, 287. 
Bigelow, Jonas, 228, 231, 241. 
Biggerton, William, 193, 194. 
Bishop, Silvester, 232. 
Black, James, 75, 79, 162. 
Blackmar brook, 31. 
Blackmar, Peter, 209. 
Blackmar, Stephen, 211. 
Blackmar, William, 210. 
Blacksmith's shops, 266. 
Blair, John, 209. 
Blair, W. A., 27. 
Blake, Elihu, 229, 232. 
Blake, Israel, 171. 
Blanchard, Josiah, 235. 
Blast furnace, 12. 
Bliss, Samuel, 210. 
Bloody brook fight, io5, 108, no. 
Boat, The, 11. 
Bodge, Rev. Geo. M., 92. 
Bond, Amos, 13, 263. 
Bond, Jonathan, 228, 234. 
Bond, Moses, 262, 267. 
Bond, Lieut. Thomas, 243, 2;g. 
Bond, Rev. William. B., 290. 
Boomer, Rev. Job B , 283. 
Boshakum, Simon, 132. 
Bondage, John, 107.. 
Bounty for Indian scalps, 164. 
Bounties to Rev. soldiers, 239, 240, 241, 242. 
Bourne, Richard, 72. 
Bowen, Berry, 232. 
Bowen, Isaiah, 241. 
Bowen, John, 233, 241, 244. 
Bowen, Moses, 232. 
Bowen, Peter, 217, 232, 240. 
Bowen, Stoddard, 232. 
Bowen, Timothy, 212. 
Bowker, Daniel, 199, 205. 
Bowker, Ezekiel, 233. 
Bowker, Ithamar, 233. 
Bowker, Lieut. John, 233, 234. 
Bowler, Rev. George, 284. 
Bowman, William, 227. 
Boxford, 201. 
Boyenton, Nathaniel, i82. 
Brabroolc, Comfort, 2ii. 
Brabrook, Joseph, i88, 193, 194, 197, 198. 
Brabrook, William, 210. 
Bradish, Dr. James, 231. 
Bradshaw, Eleazar, 267, 289. 
Bradstreet, Gov. Simon, 141. 
Bragden (Brading), Commissary, 121, 122. 
Bragg, Benjamin, 241. 
Bragg, Moses, 212, 215, 244. 
Brainard, Rev. John, 217. 
Brewer, Capt. Daniel, 211. 
Brewer, Col. David, 230, 231. 
Brewer, John, 118. 
Brewer, Peter, 232. 
Brewer, Col. Samuel, 233. 
Brick house. The first, 267. 
Brick-yard, Rooke's, 15, 18. 
Bridge, David, 215. 
Bridges, Caleb, 230. 
Bridges, Edmund, 228. 
Bridges, Martin, 242. 
Bridges, Silas, 237. 
Bridle-paths, English, 20, 25, 31, 47, 70. 
Briggs, Rev. Charles, 257. 
Briggs, Thomas, 238. 
Brigham, Barnabas, 232. 
Brigham, Elisha, 236. 
Brigham, James, 214. 
Brigham, Jonas, 227, 228: Lieut., 235, 243. 
Brigham, Sylvanus, 268. 
Brimfield, 25, 30, 31, 41, 62. 
Brookfield, six miles square, 9, 47, 51 ; the town plot, 58, 59; incorporated 1673, 62, 63, 68, 69; country rate 1675, 69; presented for defective bridge, 69: — eight miles square, 9; plot to be made, by John Chandler, 158; by Timothy D wight, 158: — twelve miles square, petition for, 61, 157: — one mile addition, 9: — first settle-ment of, 51; destroyed by Indians, 83-88; twins born during the siege, 91 ; garrison kept up, 102, 105, loS; re-established, in; fort, 123: — second settlement of, 135; act of May 28, 1679, 135; beginning of, 136; first comers, 136; committee for, 138; alarm at, 139; fort built at, t 40; stockade ordered, 143; petition of inhabitants, 144, 145; garrison at, 154; asks for a minister, 155; petition of inhabitants, 167; fortified houses, 168, 170; petition for minister, 171; soldiers at, 171; assaulted by Indians, 172; six men killed, 176; petition, 176; Indians around, 178; at peace, 179; new meeting-house, 189; minister settled, 190; church organized, 192; list of landholders 1717, 193-195; second iricoj-poration, 196: first town meeting, 197; school established, 199; town officers 1774, 226; militia companies 1761, 218; census 1778, 237; vote on constitution 1780, 242; valuation 1781, 244; first celebration of independence, 245.
Brookfield, North, petition for, 261 ; second petition, 262; act of incorporation, 263; bounds of. 250, 262; town records burnt, 264; inhabitants scattered, 265; mechanical trades, 266, 267, 268; first town meeting, 267; town schools, 276; high school, 277, 475-478; Sabbath school, 273, 277; new meeting-house, 277, 465; post-office, 290; post masters, 291 ; lawyers, 291 ; physicians, 291 ; free public library, 292; railroad, 296; statistical tables, 374; plan of early land grants and in- dex, 448-463; town houses, 466. See Precinct Second. 
Brooks, Abner, 213. 
Brooks, Phinehas, 213. 
Brooks, Simeon, 211. 
Brooms, peeled, 267. 
Brown, Abner, Lieut., 215, 218, 221. 
Brown, Rev. Addison, 2S3. 
Brown, Ephraiin, 211. 
Brown, John, 242. 
Brown, Joseph, 241. 
Brown, Col. Josiah, 210. 
Brown, Matthias, 226. 
Brown, Samuel, 187. 
Brown, Timothy, 200. 
Brown, Thomas, 216, 217. 
Brown, Zachariah, 214. 
Bruce, Abner, 227. 
Bruce, Antipas, 232. 
Bruce, Charles, 227, 232, 243, 
Bruce, Roger, 256. 
Bryant, Dr. Ira, 291. 
Buck hill, 17. 
Buckmin'-ter, Col. Joseph, 203. 
Buckminster, Samuel, 212. 
Buckminster, Capt. Thomas, 209, 220, 221, 224, 249. 
Bucknam, Rev. Nathan, 220. 
Bull, Capt. Jonathan, 142. 
Bullard, Daniel, 229, 236. 
Bundee, John, 171. 
Bunn, Nathaniel, 230. 
Bunn, Samuel, 232, 234. 
Burgoyne, surrender of, 235. 
Burgoyne's army marched through Brookfield, 236. 
Burk, John, 233. 
Burk, Jonathan, 201, 203, 204. 
Burk, Richard, 201. 
Burk, Richard, Jr., 201, 215. 
Buroe, Monsieur, 162. 
Burying ground, South, 224, 262. 
Burying place, first, 60. 
Bush, Lieut. Joseph, 241, 243, 259. 
Bush, Joseph," Jr., 227. 
Bush, Josiah, 256. 
Bush, Samuel, 188, 194. 
Bush, Uriah, 209, 215. 
Buttrick, John, 92. 

Caldwell, Jacob, 248. 
Caleb, 100, t6i, 162. 
Calley, Elijah, 234. 
Canada, Expedition against, 142; Indians from, 
151; expedition against, 174. 
Capt. John's brook, 15. 
Capt. John, Indian, 151. 
Capt. Tom, 114. 
Captives, redemption of, 185. 
Carey, Josiah, 236. 
Carruth, Nathan, 266. 
Carter, Samuel, 107. 
Cary, Jonathan, 287, 291. 
Cary, Rev. Josiah A., 290. 
Casey, Charles, 234. 
Catholic Church, 286, 464. 
Cattail Meadow, 16. 
Causey, Rev. L. P., 285. 
Cemetery, Perez Cobb, 3^. 
Census of Brookfield 1778, 237. 
Chabongonkamug, 76, 79, 125. 
Chabonokongkomun, 74, 89. 
Chadwick, Henry, 210. 
Chadwick, John, 67. 
Chadwick, John, 218. 
Chadwick, Capt. Joseph, 232, 234. 
Chaises, 265. 
Chamberlain, David, 228, 231, 237, 242. 
Chamberlain, Rev. Joshua W., 290. 
Chamberlain, Rev. Leander T., 290. 
Chambers, David, 227. 
Chandler, Maj. John, 158, 203. 
Chandler, Stephen, 233. 
Chandler, William, 234. 
Chapin, Japhet, 54. 
Chapin, Samuel, 54. 
Chapman, Rev. Geo. E., 285. 
Chapman, Samuel, 214, 216, 217. 
Charles, Capt. Abraham, 25. 
Chase, Rev. E. S., 284. 
Chase, Rev. John, 283. 
Chausham, 206. 
Cheavers, James, 107. 
Cheever, Samuel, 226, 256, 267. 
Cheney's brook, 14. 
Cheney, Rev. Thomas, 59, 190; ordained, 192, 198, 202; died, 202; letter, 205, 219. 
Cheney, Thomas, 210. 
Cheney, Rev. W. A., 283. 
Chickwallop, 37. 
Chips, Indian, 27. 
Church, Isaac, 256. 
Church, Samuel, 212. 
Church, first in Brookfield, organized, 192; covenant, 192; church. Second Precinct, organized, 252 ; members of, 253 ; deacons, 254. 
Cider mills, 267. 
Claflin, Robert, Jr., 212, 215. 
Clapp, Elijah, 287. 
Clapp, William, 237. 
Clark, David, J33. 
Clark, James, 171. 
Clark, James, 210. 
Clark, Rev. Lucius, 289. 
Clark, Robert, 210. 
Clarke, John, 156. 
Clarke, Lieut. William, 124, 141. 
Clary, John, Sen., 139. 
Cb.ry, John, Jr., 139, 155, 156, 167, 171; killed, 
Clary, Jonathan, 208. 
Clay-pits, 18. 
Clements, John, 138, 145. 
Clothier, 13, 14, 266. 
Clothing sent to the army, 239, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245. 
Coaches, 203. 
Coasset, no, 131. 
Cobblers, 267. 
Cocheco, 133. 
Coggeshall, Rev. S. W , 284. 
Colburn, Dr. Samuel H., 291. 
Coleborn, Edward, 82, 92. 
Collusion, 162. 
Colonel's brook, 15, 18. 
Colonel's mountain, 31. 
Colton, Daniel, 204, 203. 
Colton, George, 138. 
Colton, Hezekiah, 230. 
Colton, Lieut. Thomas, 140, 147; pursuit of In- 
dians, 147-150, 152. 
Commissioners of U. Col., 45, in, 118. 
Committee for Brookfield, 56, 57, 58, 136, 138, 143, 143. 175. '78, 179, 180, 182, 190, 191, 193; released, 196. 
Committee of Correspondence, 225, 226. 
Common, the. South Brookfield, 18. 
Common, the. West Brookfield, 18. 
Concord, 20. 
Conkanasco, 37, 75, 133, 140. 
Connecticut Path, old, 24, 25. 
Connecticut Path, new, 25. 
Contribution for Boston sufferers 1775. 228. 
Converse, James, 215; Col., 233, 234, 2S7. 
Converse, Jesse, 209. 
Converse, Josiah, 247, 249, 234, 287. 
Converse, Jude, 209. 
Converse, Rev. Otis, 283. 
Cook, Rev. A. A., 284. 
Cook, Thomas, 212. 
Cooke, Henry A., 290. 
Cooley, Benj., 214. 
Cooley, Ephraim, 226, 230, 236. 
Cooley, Gideon, 209 
Cooley, Capt. Obadiah, 209, 212, 214. 
Coolidge, Rev. Charles E., 286. 
Coolidge, John, 118. 
Coolidge, Rev. J. W., 284. 
Cooper, Lieut. Thomas, 53, 54, 64, loi ; slain, 106. 
Copley, Samuel, I2. 
Cornfields, Indian, 100, 121, 125, 126, 128, 129, 131 ; at Quabaug, destroyed, 133, 134. 
Corn-mill, the first, 60, 177. 
Corn-mill, Hayvvard's, 177. 
Councillors, list of, 288. 
Cowasset (Cowas), 172, 184. 
Cowdeii, Capt. Thomas, 218. 
Cowee, Andrew, 209. 
Cox, John, 242. 
Coy, Caleb, 65. 
Coy, Jebus, 65. 
Coy, John, 65. 
Coy, Matthew, 65. 
Coy, Richard, 55,56,59, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 69; killed, 82, 92. 
Coy, Richard, Jr., 63, 65, 194. 
Coy's brook, 12, 52, 55, 58, 59, 65, 69. 
Coy's hill, 17,65, 161, 162, 207. 
Crabtree ford, 11. 
Cranberry pond, 15. 
Crawford farm, 18. 
Cronin, Rev. Daniel P., 286. 
Crosby, Amos, 2S9. 
Crosby, Dea. Jabez, 202, 215, 226, 232, 233, 234. 
Crosby, Oliver, 2S7. 
Crossfield, Dr. , 291. 
Crochet brook, 15. 
Cummins, Daniel, 171. 
Cummings, Elijah, 231. 
Cummings, Solo., 218. 
Cunningham, Hugh, 22S, 263. 
Cunningham, William, 233. 
Curtis, Ephraim, 28, 33, 49, 75; relation, first, 76; second, 7S, 79; third visit, 79, 83, 84, 91, 97, 108. 
Curtis, John, 119. 
Curtess, Sylvanus, 236. 
Currying, 276. 
Cushing, Rev. Christ., D.D., 283. 
Cushing, Thomas, 250. 
Cushing, Hezekiah, 234. 
Cushing, Peter, 232. 
Cutler, Abijah, 226, 233, 256. 
Cutler, Enos, 289. 
Cutler, Jesse, 256. 
Cutler, John, 253, 254, 287. 
Cutler, Josiah, 210, 240, 241, 244. 
Cutler, Capt. Joseph, 233, 234. 
Cutler, Robert, 210. 
Cutler, Robert, 259. 
Cutshamakin, 35, 36. 
Cutshamoquin, 36, 37. 
Cutter, Anthony, 241. 
Cutter, Ephraim, 241, 248, 253. 
Cutter, Ephraim, Jr., 248. 
Cutter, Mrs. E. P., 18, 31, 207. 
Cutter, Isaac, 232, 248, 250. 

Dady, William, 209. 
Dalrymple, Capt. Andrew, 210. 
Dane, Benjamin, 242. 
Danforth, Asa, 229; Lieut., 231; Capt. 235, 239. 
Danforth, John, 231. 
Danforth, Capt. Jonathan, 231, 232, 236. 
Danforth, Mr. Thomas, 116. 
Daniels, Otis, 270. 
Danielson, Maj Nathaniel, 231. 
Danton, John, 230, 231. 
Darby, Rev. , 252. 
David, Indiai, 29, 40, 81. 
Davidson, Mr., 107. 
Davis, Benjamin, 194. 
Davis, Bensley, 268. 
Davis, Capt. , 122. 
Davis, Eben, 211, 215, 216, 217, 218. 
Davis, John, 205, 211, 213. 
Davis, Jonathan, 193. 
Davis, Joseph, 200, 205, 212. 
Davis, Nathan, 233, 242. 
Davis, Rev. Samuel, 284. 
Davis, Samuel, Sen., 155, 156, 158, 167, 191, 194. 
Davis, Samuel, Jr., 179, 194, 205. 
Davis, Simon, 82, 83, 92. 
Day, Thomas, 181. 
Dean, Abiel, 267. 
Dean, Salmon, 266. 
Dean, Seth, 233. 
Dean's brook, 15, 55. 
Death valley, 98. 
De Bevoise, Rev. G. H., 281. 
Deed, Ind., of Quawbauge land, 53; assignment of, 64. 
Deerfield, 47, 108, 129, 139, 148, 154, 160, 165; assaulted, 164, 156, 203. 
Deer Island, 113, 118, 119. 
Deer-pits, 70. 
Deer reeves, 202. 
Deland, Daniel, 217. 
Deland, David, 215. 
Deland, Jacob H., 235, 241. 
Deland, Jacob, 244. 
Deland, Jedediah, 211, 212, 214, 216, 217, 242. 
Deland, Obadiah, 212, 214. 
Deland, Paul, 203, 247. 
Deland, Philip, 212, 215. 
Denison, Capt. , 128. 
De Rouville, 164-165. 
Dewing, Cheney, 268, 270. s 
Dewing, Ephraim, 26S. 
Dewing, Gideon B., 269. 
Dewing, Jeremiah, 270. 
Dewing, Jeremiah, 242. 
Dewing, John F., 270. 
Dewing, John, 13, 296. 
Dewing and Edmands, 275, 478. 
Diary of Maj. Pynchon, T40. 
Dickmson, Hezekiah, 66, 68, 137, 13S, 140, 146. 
Distillery, 12. 
Ditch Meadow, 13, 16, 61, 97. 
Deacons in Church of Second Precinct, 254. 
Doane, Nathan, 268. 
Dodge, Antipas, 234. 
Dodge, Caleb, 210, 212, 215, 217, 222. 
Dodge, Daniel, 218. 
Dodge, Capt. John, 208. 
Dodge, John, 231. 
Dodge, Rev. John, 285. 
Dodge, Jonathan, 211, 212, 216, 217, 218. 
Dodge, Joshua, 222, 225, 226. 
Dodge, Joshua, Jr., 237, 248. 
Dodge, Josiah, 212, 215, 216, 217. 
Dodge, Moses, 232. 
Dodge, Nathaniel, Jr., 256. 
Dodge, Reuben, 232, 235. 
Dodge, Thaddeus, 241. 
Dodge, Thomas, 215, 234. 
Dodge, Thomas, Jr., 241, 243. 
Dogs, for tracking Indians, 205. 
Doolittle, Capt. Ephraim, 210. 
Dorothy, Charles, 216, 217, 218, 231. 
Dorothy, Micah, 232. 
Dorothy, Samuel, 210. 
Dorothy, Walter, 211, 212, 215. 
Dorothy, William, 210, 212. 
Dorr, Joseph, 288. 
Dorr, Moses, 242. 
Douglas, Sexton, 14. 
Douglas, Sexton, 177. 
Drake, Daniel, 266. 
Drake, Elisha, 267. 
Draper, Simeon, 287. 
Drifting sand, 28. 
Dublet, Tom, 131, 132. 
Dudley, Gov., 38, 39. 
Dudley, Joseph, 229, 231. 
Dummer, Fort, 206, 209. 
Duncan, Charles, 270. 
Dunham, Richardson, 241. 
Dunn, Rev. Andrew, 283. 
Dutch, The, supply powder, 115, 127. 
Dwight, Lieut. Henry, 194, 198. 
Dwight, Gen. Joseph, 207, 208 ; letters of, 208, 209, 
211, 220, 224, 249; rep., 287. 
Dwight, Simeon, 209. 
Dwight, Si neon, 220. 
Dwight, Timothy, 158; Capt., 5, 205. 
Dye-pots, 267. 

Eager, Nahum, 204. 
Eames, Thomas, daughter of, 129. 
East Brookfield, 10, 55. 
Eaton, Rev. Joshua, 252. 
Edmands, Chauncy, 288. 
Edmands, John, 256. 
Edmands, Samuel, 32. 
Edmands, Samuel S.,259, 291. 
Edmands, S. M. & Co., 479. 
Edmands, Solomon M., 270, 
Edminster, Zebedee, 230. 
Edson, Hiram, 288. 
Edson, Hosea, 227, 229, 231, 232. 
Edy, Ephraim, 230. 
Eight hundred acres, the, 18. 
Eight-months' men, 230, 231. 
Eliot, Rev. John, 22, 23, 29, 31, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 48, 72, 89, 90, m. 
Eliot's one thousand acres, 41. 
Eliot's four thousand acres, 42, 52. 
Ellis, Nathan B., 14, 267. 
Ellis's brook, 14, 177. 
Elmer, Rev. Daniel, 187. 
Ely, Samuel, 138, 143, 144. 
Emmons, Benj., 212. 
Emmons, Noah, 212. 
Emmons, Robert, 159, 171, 194, 197. 
Ephraim, Peter, 117, 
Equies brook, 15. 
Equies swamp, 16. 
Evans, Oliver, 211. 
Eveleth, John, 234, 243. 
Everdon, John, 218. 

Fairbanks, Charles H., 14, 169. 
Falls Fight, May 19, 1676, 129, 130. 
Families, Soldiers', provided for, 236. 
Farley, George, 92. 
Farlow (FarleyJ, Timothy, 82, 92. 
Farwell, Josiah, 210. ^ 
Ferry, Gershom, 194, 
Field, Ebenezer, 232. 
Fire-stones, 26, 28. 
Fisher, Rev. , 258, 
Fiske, John, 82, 92. 
Fiske, Rev. John, 259. 
Fiske, Oliver, M.D., 289. 
Fiske, Samuel, 289. 
Fiske, William, 266. 
Fiske's Historical Sermon, i53, 172, 175, 176. 
Fitch, Rev. James, letter of, 131. 
Five-mile river, 10, 55, 266. 
Flagg, Solo., 211, 214. 
Fletcher, John, 218. 
Fletcher, Jonathan, 232. 
Fletcher, Rev. Nath. H., 259. 
Food, principal articles of, 260. 
Foot's Historical Discourse, 95, 96, 169. 
For the war, men enlisted, 234. 
Forbes, Aaron, Capt., 241, 242, 261, 262. 
Forbes, Daniel, 256, 265, 287. 
Forbes, Dexter, 268. 
Forbes, Eli, 287. 
Forbes, George E., 12. 
Forbes, William, 242. 
Forbush, Forbes, Rev. Eli, chaplain, 217, 252, 253; comm'r to Indians, 257; sketch of, 257, 258, 
Forbush, Benj., 239. 
Ford, James, petition of, 137, 138. 
Ford-ways, 11, 20. 
Forge, 12, 14, 266. 
Fortified houses, 168; how built, 168-69. 
Fort, Gilbert's, 140, 141; repaired, 160, 207. 
Fort, old French, on Coy's hill, 207. 
Fort hill, 17, 29. 
Foster, Alfred D., 289. 
Foster, Benj., 233. 
Foster, Divight, 19, 287, 289. 
Foster, Ebenezer, Jr., 210. 
Foster, Elisha, 234. 
Foster, Jedediah, Esq., 221, 223, 224, 225,226; rep., 226, 232, 260, 287. 
Foster, John, 181. 
Foster, Jude, 235. 
Foster, Peregrine, 235. 
Foster, Solomon, 226. 
Foster, Theodore, 289. 
Foster, Theoph., 229. 
Foster's hill, 16, 46, 52, 58, 102. 
Foxcroft, Dr. Francis, 260. 
Fo.xcroft, John, 289. 
Free Public Library, N. Bkfd., 292. 
Freeman, Isaac, 228. 
French, John, 82, gz. 
French Government of Canada, 139, 142, 159, 162, 166. 
French and Indian War, old, 206. 
French Neutrals, 216, 218. 
Frost, Robert, 171. 
Fry, James, 208. 
Fuller, Rev. S. A., 285. ' 
Fulling-mill, 12, 13, 266. 
Fulton, Rev. John W., 285. 
Fulton, Joseph, 291. 
Fund, Ministerial, 224. 
Furber, Jethro, 181. 
Furnace, Old, 12. 
Furnace Village, 3

Gadrich, Maudlin, 218. 
Galloon, Samuel, 209. 
Galloway, Wm., 210. 
Garrigan, Dr. Thomas J., 2gT. 
Garrison at Brookfield, 102, 106, loS ; re-established, 111,120,121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 140, 142, 148, 153. 154, 159; Chaplain at, 159, 163,164,168, 170,172, 17s, 176, 17S, 189. 
Gasst, Julius, M.D., 291. 
Gates, Amphion, 270. 
Getchell, David, 210, 212, 216, 218. 
Getchell, Jacob, 218. 
Gibbs, Isaac, 248. 
Gibbs, Joseph, 219. 
Gibbs, Thomas, 17, 183, 194,197, 205. 
Gibbs' hill, 17. 
Gilbert, Aaron, 229, 231. 
Gilbert, Abner, 215, 217, 232, 233. 
Gilbert, Abraham, 218. 
Gilbert, Amos, 243. 
Gilbert, Arad, 289. 
Gilbert, Asa, 231, 236, 240, 241. 
Gilbert, Benjamin, 208, 226, 228. 
Gilbert, Benjamin, 231, 234, 236, 244, 248, 251, 254. 
Gilbert, Benj. J., 289. 
Gilbert, Charles, 289. 
Gilbert, Comfort, 218. 
Gilbert, Cornelius, 234. 
Gilbert, Daniel, 12. 
Gilbert, Daniel, 211, 214; Ensign, 226, 232; Capt., 235, 237, 240, 242, 243, 261, 262, 263, 267, 287. 
Gilbert, Daniel, 289, 291. 
Gilbert, David, 211, 214, 217. 
Gilbert, Ebenezer, 179, 194. 
Gilbert, Ezekiel, 218. 
Gilbert, Henry, 140, 141, 143, 144, 145, 149, 155, 158, 167, 171, 176, 189, 194, 197, 198. 
Gilbert, Henry, 218, 231, 234. 
Gilbert, Hollister B., 290. 
Gilbert, Humphrey, 256. 
Gilbert, Jedediah, 214, 231, 294. 
Gilbert, Jesse, 218. 
Gilbert, Joel, 234. 
Gilbert, Dea. John, 169, 175, 194, 220. 
Gilbert, John, 2d, 241. 
Gilbert, John, 215, 229, 235, 236. 
Gilbert, John, 4th, 236. 
Gilbert, Jonas, 244. 
Gilbert, Sergt. Jonathan, 211, 248, 253. 
Gilbert, Joseph, 18. 
Gilbert, Joseph, 231. 
Gilbert, Lieut. Joseph, 210, 211, 2T2, 214, 225, 226; Capt., 226, 227, 228; Col., 232. 
Gilbert, Moses, 218. 
Gilbert, Nathaniel, 194, 204, 203. 
Gilbert, Oliver, 241. 
Gilbert, Othniel, 215, 240. 
Gilbert, Philip, 212. 
Gilbert, Philip, 215. 
Gilbert, Reuben, 218, 227, 228, 229, 231, 268. 
Gilbert, Samuel, 175, 194, 205. 
Gilbert, Samuel, 236, 237. 
Gilbert, Seth, 215. 
Gilbert, Solomon, 214. 
Gilbert, Solomon B., 290. 
Gilbert, Thomas, Esq., 140, 143, 144, 145, 153, 158, 167, 171, 189, 191, 194, 197, 198, 201, 202, 247, 249, 287. 
Gilbert, Thomas (Henry's son), 175, 194, 209, 215 ; Capt. 218, 224. 
Gilbert, Thomas, 3d, 216, 217, 232, 234. 
Gilbert, Uriah, 211, 248, 253. 
Gilbert, Wheat, 12, 259. 
Gilbert, William, 233. 
Gilbert, Zadock, 233, 235. 
Gilbert's fort, 17, 140, 141, 143, 147; repaired, 160, 168, 189. 
Gilbert's saw-mill, 14. 
Gill, Elisha, 244. 
Gill, John, 237. 
Gill, Reuben, 236. 1 
Gill, William, 229, 231, 237. 
Gilson, John, 213. 
Gleason, Isaac, 169, 233. 
Glover, Capt. Samuel, 138. 
Goldsbury, John, 211, 212. 
Goldsbury, Robert, 171, 194. 
Goodale, John, 204, 218. 
Goodale, Nathan, 217, 218, 226; Lieut., 232; Capt., 
244: Maj., 246; Biog. sketch, 290-298. 
Goodale, Solomon, 21S, 219. 
Goodwin, Rev. John, 284. 
Gookin, Daniel, 21, 22, 29, 40, 42, 49, 72, 8g, 90, III, 121. 
Goss, Comfort, 231. 
Goss, John, 212, 213, 215, 221. 
Goss, Philip, 14, 167, 169, 171, 176, 189, 194, 197, 198. 
Goss, Philip, Jr., 200, 211. 
Goss' Garrison, 169. 
Gott, Dr. Benj., 210. 
Gould, Asa, 243. 
Gould, Eli, 212. 
Gould, Jeremiah, 214. 
Gould, Nathan, 210, 214. 
Gould, Samuel, 212, 214,248, 251, 254. 
Gould, Samuel, Jr., 248. 
Graduates, College, list of, 2S9, 290. 
Graham, Andrew, 230. 
Graham, Robert, 227, 228, 231, 237. 
Graham, William, 230. 
Granger, Capt. John, 231. 
Granger, Robert, killed, 175. 
Grants, land, 138, 145, 161, 448-463. 
Grass hill, 17. 
Graton, John, 222. 
Graves, Benjamin, 92. 
Graves, Ebenezer, 140. 
Graves, Capt. Nathaniel, 122, 123; letter of, 123-4. 
Great brook, 13, 15, 59. 
Great field, 52, 59, 164, 18S. 
Great meadow, 16. 
Great swamp, 16. 
Green, Caleb, 218. 
Green, Ezra, 266. 
Green, Capt. Joel, 231. 
Green, John, 161; wounded, 172; petition of, 173; pension granted, 173, 174, 194, 202. 
Green, John, 210, 211, 2x5, 233, 247. 
Green, Joseph, 234. 
Green, Samuel, 231, 236. 
Green, Stephen, 215. 
Green, Thomas, 250. 
Green, Zechariah, 236. 
Greene, J. E.,291. 
Grenhough, , 116. 
Grist-mill, 11, 12, 13, 14, 13, 60, 164, 177, 197. 
Gross, Joshua, 240. 
Grosvenor, John, 172; killed, 176. 
Grosvenor, Oliver, 243. 
Grosvenor, Rev. William, 170, 171, 174, 180. 
Groton, 115. 
Guilford, Samuel, 230. 
Guirdo, Stanislaus and family, 218. 
Gunn, Elisha, 257. 
Gunsmith, 266. 

Hadley, 47, 58, 130, 141, 147. ^54- 
Hadley Indians, 114. 
Hadley Path, 14, 102, 169, 207. 
Hair, Abram, 212, 216, 285 
Hair, John, 214. 
Hair, Samuel, 211. 
Hair, William, 12, 201, 210, 211, 248. 
Hale, Amos, 233. 
Hale, Capt. Thomas, 218,241,248,249,253,254, 265, 287, 288. 
Hall, Christopher, 171. 
Hall, Robert, 234. 
Hall, Timothy, 214, 227, 228. 
Hamilton, Alex., Jr., 290. 
Hamilton, Amos, Jr., 215, 216, 217. 
Hamilton, David, 232. 
Hamilton, Ebenezer, 230, 231. 
Hamilton, Eliph., 244. 
Hamilton, Eliph., 211, 213, 215; Lieut., 217. 
Hamilton, Elisha, 216, 229, 236. 
Hamilton, Erastus, 217, 229. 
Hamilton, Ezra, 18, 215. 
Hamilton, Israel, 289. 
Hamilton, Jesse, 231, 236. 
Hamilton, John, Sen., 159, 167, 171, 194, 198, 248. 
Hamilton, John, Jr., 12, 194, 203, 204, 209. 
Hamilton, John, 215, 233, 236. 
Hamilton, Joseph, 15. 
Hamilton, Joseph, 210, 211, 240. 
Hamilton, Joseph, 231, 234, 244. 
Hamilton, Josiah, 215, 230, 236. 
Hamilton, Jude, 230. 
Hamilton, Levi, 210. 
Hamilton, Levi, 270. 
Hamilton, Nathan, 236. 
Hamilton, Nathan, 210, 211, 214, 217, 218; Lieut , 218, 221, 229, 233; Capt., 223, 239. 
Hamilton, Reuben, 202, 214, 227, 234. 
Hamilton, Rufus, 236, 240, 256, 287. 
Hamilton, Seth, 210. 
Hamilton, Silas, 240. 
Hamilton, Thomas, 215, 240. 
Hamilton, William, 230, 236, 241. 
Hammond, Elisha, 13. 
Hammond, Elisha, 287. 
Hampshire County Records, 143, I44. MS- 
Handcock, John, 171. 
Hapgood, Sydrack, 82, 92. 
Harding, Rev. Elisha, called and ord., 220, 223; 
dism., 223, 249, 252. 
Hardy, Ezekiel, 241, 243. 
Harlow, Rev. R. W., 285. 
Harrington, Ebenezer, 230, 231. 
Harrington, Elijah, 234. 
Harrington, Ephraim, 230. 
Harrington, George, 262. 
Harrington, Jacob, 231, 240. 
Harris, Job, 188. 
Hartwell, John, 92. 
Harwood, Capt. Abel, 262. 
Harwood, Rev. Abel, 283. 
Harwood, Abel, Jr., 290. 
Harwood, Benj., 216. 
Harwood, Harrison, 270. 
Harwood, Nathaniel, 204, 268. 
Harwood, Peter, 210, 213,216, 226, 227, 228, 230; Capt. 231 ; Major, 237, 240, 242, 243, 267. 
Hascall, Moses, 209. 
Haskill, Paul, 256. 
Haskill, Philip, 235. 
Haskill, Prince, 233. 
Haskill, Samuel, 242. 
Haskill, Silas, 256. 
Hassanameset, 41, 74, 76, 89, 90, 94, 112, 113, 115, 
Hastings, Moses, 232. 
Hastings, Neverson, 242. 
Hastings, William, 268. 
Hastings, \V. B., 169. 
Hatch, Noah, 241. 
Hatfield assaulted, 106, 108, 127, 129, 130; fortified, 164, 166. 
Hatfield, Joseph, 211, 214, 218, 228. 
Hathaway, Lieut. James, 229, 234, 235. 
Hathaway, Rev. Levi B., 283. 
Hathaway, Thomas, 256. 
Hathaway, Thomas, Jr , 2(1. 
Hatter, 267. 
Haven, John, 270. 
Haven, Rev. Jotham, 284. 
Hawes, Rev. Joel, S.T.D., 289. 
Hawley, Joseph, Sen., 138, 143, 144, 145; death 
of, 179. 
Hawley, Joseph, Jr., 179, 194. 
Hayward, Barzillai, 231, 234. 
Hayward, Benj., 23b. 
Hayward, Eben., 211, 213, 214, 228. 
Hayward, Ebenezer, 164, 167, 171; killed, 176; 
heirs of, 194, 221. 
Hayward, Ephraim, 11, 12. 
Hayward, Ephraim, 177, 178, 194, 200, 204, 209, 210, 211. 
Hayward, George, 12, 92, 177, 178, 179, 198. 
Hayward, George, 213. 
Hayward, John, 213, 232, 234. 
Hayward, John, Jr., 14, 164, 167; his corn-mill, 177. 183, 197. 
Hayward, Jonas, 218. 
Hayward, Nathaniel, 229, 231. 
Hayward, Oliver, 214. 
Hayward, Simeon, 92. 
Hay ward's mills, 177, 178. 
Healey, Rev. P., 464. 
Hebard, Josiah F., 288. 
Hebery, Abner, 242. 
Henderson, William, 216, 217, 230. 
Hennessy, James, 290. 
Henry, Rev. C. S., D.D., 289. 
Henshaw, Charles, 287. 
Henshaw (Hinchar), Wm., 215, 231, 235. 
Herrick, John, 235. 
Hersey, John, 232. 
Hewes, Rev. George, 285. 
Hevwood, Eleazar, 208. 
High Rock, 17. 
Hill, Bartholomew, 232. 
Hill, Benj., 232, 234. 
Hill, James, 232, 234. 
Hill, John, 2S8, 291. 
Hill, John, 222, 230. 
Hill, John, Jr., 222. 
Hill, Kittridge, 288, 290. 
Hill, Nathan, 230, 232. 
Hill, Peter, 213, 215, 222, 229. 
Hill, Squire, 228, 231. 
Hills, J. H., 291. 
Hills, Joseph, 43. 
Hinchar, Josiah, 227, 228, 231, 235, 248. 
Hinchar, Thomas, 239, 240. 
Hinchman, Capt., loi, 113, 126, 130, 131. 
Hinckley, David, 282. 
Hinckley, David, 210. 
Hinckley, Job, 242. 
Hmckley, Samuel, 289. 
Hinckley, Samuel, 209, 215, 225, 226; Capt., 243, 
Hinds, Cornelius, 218. 
Hinds, Curtis, 211, 214, 248, 254. 
Hinds, Enoch, 194. 
Hinds, Hopestill, 179, 194, 197, 201, 202, 205, 209. 
Hinds, Jacob, 209. 
Hinds, Jason, »io. 
Hinds, John, Sen., 194. 
Hinds, John, Jr., 15, 173, 200, 24S, 234, 266. 
Hinds, Nehemiah, 209. 
Hinds, Oliver, 232. 
Hinds, Seth, 248. 
Hird, Rev. John W., 286. 
Hitchcock, David, 18. 
Hitchcock, David, 226, 228, 232, 233; Lieut., 234. 
Hitchcock, Rev. Enos, D.D., 289. 
Hitchcock, John, 138, 140, 143, 144, 145, 153, 15S, 170; death of, 179. 
Hitchcock, John, 193, 194. 
Hitchcock, Jona. P., 289. 
Hitchcock, Luke, 179, 193, 194, 196, 198. 
Hitchcock, Marcus, 270. 
Hitchcock, Moses, 226. 
Hitchcock, Pelatiah, 289. 
Hobbs, Lieut. John, 226, 236. 
Hobbs, Josiah, 214, 232. 
Hockanura, 129. 
Hodges, Rev. Joseph, Jr., 283. 
Hodges' place, the, 32. 
Hodgman, Amos, 230, 231. 
Hodgman, Isaac, died, 232. 
Hogg hill, 17. 
Holden, John, 234. 
Holjoke, Elizur, 42, 54, 64. 
Holmes, Miss J. A., 284. 
Holton, Elisha, 231. 
Holton, William, 42. 
Holyoke, Capt. Samuel, 130. 
Home-lots, 57, 58, 59. 
Hooker, Lieut. Zibeon, 244. 
Hooker and Stone, Messrs., 24. 
Hopkins, John, 234. 
Hopkins, Robert, 231. 
Horse-litter, Indian, 25. 
Horse pond, 15. 
Horse-pond brook, 13, 32. 
Horse Shades, the, 17. 
Horse sheds, 190. 
Horses for the Army, 244. 
Houghton, John, 201. 
Housatonack river, fight with Indians, 133. 
Hovey, Daniel, 59, 67. 
Hovey, Daniel, 2d, 67. 
Hovey, James, 59, 63, 67, 69; killed, 92. 
Hovey, James, Jr., 67. 
Hovey, Thomas, 59, 67, 137. 
Hovey's brook, 12, 59. 
How, Abner, 214, 226. 
How, Lieut. Abraham, 214, 218, 24S, 253, 254. 
How, Abr.-iham, Jr., 210. 
How, Caleb, 211, 213, 214. 
How, Daniel, 183. 
How, Daniel, 233. 
How, Ebenezer, 159, igS, 201. 
How, Ebenezer, 232. 
How, Eli, 243, 259. 
How, Elijah, 214, 216, 218. 
How, Elisha, 217. 
How, Elisha, 183. 
How, Ephraim, 214. 
How, Estes, M.D., 231. 
How, Ichabod, 24S, 253. 
How, Jedediah, 211. 
How, Jedediah, Jr., 214. 
How, Jeremiah, 179, 194. 
How, Kerley, 256. 
How, Martin, 210. 
How, Silas, 214, 235. 
How, Thomas, 162. 
Howard, Benj , 236. 
Howard, James, 290. 
Howard, Michael, 290. 
Howard, Timothy, 290. 
Howe, Alvin, 240. 
Howland, Rev. Harrison O., 290. 
Howland, John, 230. 
Howland, Rev. Wm. W., 29-3. 
Hubbard, John, 227, 231, 234. 
Hubbard, Peter, 188. 
Hubbard, William, 267. 
Hubbard's hill, 25. 
Hubbard's Indian Wars, 131, 
Hubbard's Narrative, 96, 97, 103. 
Hull, John, 125. 
Humphreys, Asa, 219, 235. 
Humphreys, Tom, 26 
Hunter, John, 117. 
Hunting, Capt. , destroys corn, Aug. 1676, 133. Hutchinson, Capt. Edward, 79; sent on embas.sy, to Indians at Quabaug, 80-S9; wounded by In- dians, Aug. 2, 1675, 81; died at Marlboro Aug. 19, 1675, 88, 102. 

Impressment of troops, 1676. 122, 123. 
Independence, first celebration of, in Brookfield, 
Indian corn-fields, 100. 
Indian barns, 21, 27, 29, 33, 34. 
Indian-field hill, 31. 
Indian hill, 17, 25, 30, 75. 
Indian name-words, 23, 26. 
Indian plain, 16, 23. 
Indian planting-field, 59, 70. 
Indian trails, 20, 24, 25, 26, 31. 
Indians, 20, 21; annual burning of land by, 52; deed to Thomas Cooper, 53; assignment of same, 64; characteristics of, 71; sold into slavery, 72; treaties, 73; assault Brookfield, 83-S8; lurking around, 126; at Menameset, 31, 32,33. 34> 75-79 ambush Capt. Wheeler, 81; great gathering at Menameset, 119, 120, 126; murdered at Spectacle pond, 139; skulking about, 140; assault on Woolcott family, 146-152; from Canada, 151; placed under guard, 153; bounty for scalps, 164, 208; around Brookfield, 208. 
Ingraham, Sergt. Wm., 120, 121 ; letter of, 121, 123. 
Industries in North Brookfield, 26S. 
Inoculation for small-pox, 260. 
Iron ore, 15. 
Ipswich grant, 42, 46, 51, 55, 56. 

Jacob, Lieut. , 124. 
Jacob of Magunkoog, 114, 132. 
James, Rev. John, 174, 178, 187. 
Janes' hill, 31. 
Jenks, Charles E., 33; record and plan of land grants, 448-463. 
Jenks, Ernest P., 290. 
Jenks, Rev. Hervey, 283, 289. 
Jenks, J. H., 2S8. 
Jenks, Jonathan, 12. 
Jenks, Lawrence, 282. 
Jenks, Nathaniel, 287. 
Jenks, Nicholas, 12, 263, 273. 282, 283. 
Jennings, Benjamin, 167, 172, 173; killed, 176; heirs of, 194. 
Jennings, Benjamin, Jr., 241, 242. 
Jennings, Benjamin, 215, 229. 
Jennings, Ebenezer, Lieut., 214, 218. 
Jennings, Joel A., 169. 
Jennings, John, 215. 
Jennings, Jonathan, 175, 182, 194, 197, 200. 
Jennings, Joseph, 66, 156, 167, 172, 173; deacon, 186, 189, 193, 194, i97i 198- 
Jennings, Joseph, Jr., 205. 
Jennings, Moses, 212, 215, 240. 
Jennings, Stephen, 66, 68, 146, 154, 155, 158, 167. 
Jennings, Stephen, Jr., 175; killed, 176. 
Jennings, Stephen, 218. 
Jennings, Zlllah, 164. 
Jennings' Garrison, 168, 172. 
Jennison, John F., 289. 
Jethro, Old, hanged, 133. 
Jethro, Peter, 132, 133. 
Johnson, Abel, 232. 
Johnson and Edmands, 275. 
Johnson, Henry, 270. 
Johnson, Isaac, 11. 
Johnson, Parker, 268. 
Johnson, Rice, 270. 
Johnson, William, 270. 
John of Pakachooge, 75, 114, 132. 
Jones, Rev. Isaac, 252. 
Jones, Nathaniel, 214. 
Jones, Thomas, 228, 231. 
Jones, Thomas, M.D., 291. 
Jordan, Dudley, 209. 
Joseph, Indian, 89; sold into slavery, 90, 94, 114. 
Joslyn, Samuel, 216. 

Kane, Jeremiah, 290. 
Kattananit, Job, iii, 112. 
Keehood, 75, 77, 78. 
Keene, Rev. Luther, 285. 
Keep, Chellis, 266. 
Kellogg, Edward, 159, 171, 175. 
Kellogg, Ephraim, 206, 212. 
Kellogg, Joseph, 175; killed, 176. 
Kellogg, Martin, Jr., 184, 185. 
Kellogg's, Capt. Jos., 200 acres grant, 18, 205, 206. 
Kendall, Levi, 242. 
Kendrick, Thomas, 256. 
Kent, Jacob, 14. 
Kent, Jacob, 236. 
Kent, John, 66. " 
Kent, Samuel, 59, 6r, 63, 66. 
Kent, Samuel, Jr., 66. 
Kent, Thomas, 66. 
Keyes, Daniel, 229, 231, 234. 
Keyes, Col. Danforth, 231. 
Keyes, David, 212. 
Keyes, Salma, 244. 
Keyes, Capt. Solomon, 211. 
Keyes, Solomon, Jr., 209. 
Killen, Ebenezer, 213. 
Killum, John, 92. 
Kimball, Andrew, 216, 248. 
Kimball, Joseph, 242, 243. 
Kimball, Samuel, 229, 231. 
Kimball, Thomas, 233. 
Kimball, William, 241. 
Kindrick, Isaac, 222. • 
King Philip, 30, 34, 46, 72, 73, 75, 80, 99, 100, no, 
King Philip's War, 42; causes of, 70-73, 74; turning point of, 98; close of, 126. 
King William's War, 139. 
King, Dr. Jona., 226; Capt., 233, 238. 
King, Henry W., 290, 291. 
King, Peter, 67. 
King, Samuel, 180, 201. 
King, Tyler, 13, 290. 
King, William C, 272. 
King, , heirs of, 197. 
Kitteridge, John, 92. 
Kittridge, Dr. Jacob, 260, 261, 265, 291. 
Kittridge, Dr. Oliver, 291. 
Knight, Charles S., 269. 
Knight, Daniel W., 288. 
Knight, Hiram, 288, 291. 
Knowlton, Benjamin, 193, 194. 
Knowlton, Charles, 227, 228. 
Knowlton, Joseph, 193. 
Knowlton, Thomas, 60. 
Konkewasko, 31, 77, 78. 

Lackey, Isaac, 234. 
Lake, John, 65. 
Lampson, Jonathan, 234. 
Lamson, Asa, 213, 214, 216, 217. 
Lamson, John, 214. 
Lamson, Peter, 247. 
Lamson, Thomas, 212, 241. 
Lancaster, Samuel, 234. 
Lancaster, 20, 34, 44, 57, 86, 95, 102, 113, 118, 129, 
Land Bank, 202. 
Land Grants, 138, 145, 161, 175, 179, 180; to Ayres family, rSo, 181, 182, 186, 193, 197, 198, 199. 
Land Grants in North Brookfield, 448-463. 
Land-holders in Brookfield, list of, 1717, 194, 195. 
Lane, Job, 217, 222. 
Lane, Capt. Samuel, 273. 
Lane, Widow Sarah, 254. 
La Rich, 156. 
Lashaway, 13, 53, 54, 55. 
Last manufactory, 286. 
Lath, John, 188. 
Lathrop, Capt. Thomas, loi, 104, 106, no. 
Lawrence, Daniel, taken captive, 146. 
Lawrence, John, 138, 145, 146, 153 ; killed by Indians, 154; estate, 188. 
Lawrence, Thomas, killed by Indians, 146, 147, 153. 
Lawton, Robert, 14. 
Lazell, Abner, 234. 
Le Beau, Madame, 185. 
Leach tub, 267. 
Lead mines, 25, 31, 76. 
Learned, Amos, 235, 243. 
Learned, Col. Ebenezer, 230. 
Leavitt, Asaph, 12. 
Leeds, Matthew, 250. 
Leeseman, Rev. E. H., 2S5. 
Leffingwell, Rev. M., 284. 
Leicester, 203. 
Leland, David, 232. 
Letter of William Pynchon, 35-38. 
Leveague, Father , 464. 
Lewis, Samuel, 242. 
Liddle (Lydlea), John, 232, 234. 
Lincoln, David K., 27. 
Lincoln, George C, 288, 291. 
Lincoln, Gilbert F., 27. 
Lincoln, Seth, 218. 
Little Matchuk, 16. 
Livermore, Elisha, 232. 
Livermore, Solo., 241, 
Long hill, 17. 
Loomis, Caleb, 240. 
Loring, Joseph, 215. 
Lottery speculation, 256. 
Louisburg, siege of, 1745, 207. 
Lynde, Benjatiiin, 226, 234. 
Lynde, Johnson, 230. 
Lynde, Lieut. Nathaniel, 268. 
Lyndes, John, 229, 232, 236. 
Lyscom, Lieut. John, 226, 232; Capt., 233, 242, 43,287. 

Maanexit, 41, 74, 94, 103, 113. 
Mace, William, 218. 
Mackarty, Mr., 113. 
Madden, Thomas, 235. 
Magazine stores at Brookfield, 239. 
Magungoog, 112, 113. 
Magunkoog, 112, 113. 
Mahoney, James, 290. 
Makepeace, Gershom, 209, 236. 
Mall, The, 18. 
Malt-mill, 13. 
Malt-mill bridge, 13, 176. 
Ma.-chage, 74, 113, 114. 
Manly, Seth, 13, 14. 
Manning, Rev. Benjamin, 283. 
Maquas, 35, 38, 49, 115, 142, 206. 
Marber, Joseph, 180. 
Marbel, Jonathan, 227, 228, 231. 
Marble, John, 232. 
Marble, Joseph, 234. 
Marden, Edward, 228. 
Marks, Adonijah, 213. 
Marks, Joseph, 140, 142, 145, 146, 153, 167, 194; 205. 
Marks, Joseph, Jr., 194. 
Marks, Richard, 209. 
Marks' Garrison, 169. 
Marks' Mountain, 17. 
Marlboro, 76, 182. 
Marsh, Amos, 210. 
Marsh, Ebenezer, 242. 
Marsh, Samuel, 218, 229, 231. 
Marsh, Samuel, 156. 
Marsh, Thomas, 236. 
Marshfield, Samuel, 69, 138, 143. 
Marston, Rev. S. W., 283. 
Martin, Abraham, 216. 
Martin, Stephen, 216. 
Mason, Maj. John, 45, 46. 
Mason, Joseph, 138, 145 ; killed by Indians, 146; wife taken captive, 146, 147; her story, 150-151 ; estate, 156, 164. 
Mason's brook, 14, 55, 169. 
Mason's point, 17. 
Masquabamisk, 53, 54, 55. 
Massachusetts Council, letter of, 103; order of, 108, 118, 122, 123, 124; truce for redemption of captives, 130, 131, 132, 138. 
Massasoit, 23, 28, 35, 43, 70, 72, 73. 
Massequockummis, 53, 54, 55. 
Matchuk brook, 15. 
Matchuk meadow, 13, 16, 61, 175. 
Mather's King Philip's War, 99. 
Matrosses, Company of, 234. 
Mattaloos, 100. 
Mattamuck, 132. 
Matthews, Aaron, 228. 
Matthews, Daniel, Jr., 13, 2x2, 214, 232, 268 
Matthews, Elisha, 14. 
Mather's Brief History, 89, 130. 
Mattoonas, 76, 80, 114. 
Mawtamps, 91, 100, 114, 117. 
May, Harry L., 290. 
Mayhews, the, 72. 
Mayo, Rev. Henry, 284. 
McClure, David, 215. 
McClure, James, 217. 
McClure, John, 210, 215. 
McClure, Nicholas, 230, 235. 
McClure, Samuel, 230, 233. 
McClure, Thomas, 216, 217. 
McFarland, Capt. Daniel, 217. 
McFarland, John, 218. 
Mcintosh, Daniel, 139; died, 153. 
Mcintosh, Mary, killed, 171. 
Meadows, the, 59, 61. 
Medfield, 118, 129. 
Meeting-house, 1667, 58, 59, 69; burnt, 188, 189, 198; pews, 198; sealing, 199. 
Meeting-house of Union Cong. Soc, 286. 
Meeting-house, First Parish, 223. 
Meeting-house, Second Parish, 219, 220, 223, 247, 248, 249, 251, 277, 465. 
Meeting-house, Third Parish at south village, 221, 222, 223; pews, 254; seating, 254. 
Melvin, Capt. Eleazer, 210. 
Memicho, George, 33, 34, 89, 93, 95, 96; relation of, 100, lOI. 
Meminimisset, 32, 33, 100. 
Menameset, 31, 32, 75, 76 78, 79, 89,92,93, 94, 95, 100, loi, 102, 103, III, 118, 119; gathering of Indians at, 119, 120, 152. 
Menamesets, three Indian towns, 32, 33, 34, 93, 94, 95. 113- 
Menamesick river, 21, 30, 31, 32. 
Mendon, 78, 80, 100, 152, 153. 
Mendum, 76. 
Menemesseg, 34, 94, 95, 113. 
Merriam, Charles, ig. 
Merriam Library, 19. 
Merrick, Pliny, 289. 
Messingor, Rev. E. C, 283. 
Metcalf, Ebenezer, 204. 
Methodist Episcopal Church, 283, 465. 
Mettawamppe, 28, 54, 77, 89, gi. 
Miantonamoh, iii, 127. 
Mignault, Father , 464. 
Mile Square, the, 17. 
Militia company, 1675, 69. 
Mill brook, 13,60, 61, 97. 
Mill Dam broaken, 176, 177. 
Miller, Ebenezer, 230, 232, 240. 
Miller's river, 119, 126, 128, 129. 
Millett, Nathaniel, 68. 
Millett, Thomas, 59, 67, 68, 69; hoxestead of, 183. 
Milett's brook, 15. 
Millett's meadow, 16, 68. 
Minister at Brookfield, 155, 157, 158, 159, 164, 170, 178, 187, 190. 
Ministry Land, 59, I7g, 180, 190, 192, 193, 198; divided, 224, 254. 
Minott, Samuel, 171. 
Minute Men, 1774, 226; list of, 227; Second Company, 1775, 227; list of men who marched Apr. 19, 228, 229. 
Mirick, Tilly, 12, 66, 191, 193, 197, 198, 201, 205. 
IMoaumaug, 162. 
Mo-as-quin-ne, 206. 
Moccasins, 170. 
Mohawk brook, 15. 
Mohawk hills, 17, 179. 
Mohawks, 36, 38, 49, 114, 115, 126. 
Moh-gan-neat, 206. 
Monahegan, 40, 49, 161. 
Monaheganicks, 36, 38. 
Montague, W. H., 288, 292. 
Moore, Daniel, 232. 
Moore, Isaac, 256. 
Moore, Jonathan, 233, 268. 
Moore, Dea. Joseph A., 273, 277, 288. 
Moore, Nathan, 241, 256. 
Moore, Thomas, 230, 232, 233. 
Moore, Rev. Z. S , 259. 
Moore's brook, 12, 55. 
Moran, Rev. William, 464. 
Morgain, Andrew, 230. 
Morgan, Thomas, 69. 
Morris, Jaques, 2i5. 
Morris, Joshua, 210. 
Morse, Benoni, 67. 
Morse, John, 193, 194. 
Morse, Silas, 242. 
Morse, Rev. Winthrop, 283. 
Mostly, Capt. Samuel, 74, 102; letter of, 102, 106, no, 119. 
Moses, Joseph, 181. 
Moulton, Joseph, 181. 
Mudge, Micah, 139. 
Murder, The Spooner, 23S. 
Muttamakoog, Jacob, 132. 
Muttaump, 77, 78, 79, 91, 126, 127, 130, 131; wife of, 131, 132; hanged, 133 
Nacommuck, 53, 54, 55. 
Nail maker, 266. 
Nakin, 31, 41. 
Naltaug brook, 15, 31, 53, 54, 55. 
Namaswhat, 31. 
Nanantomqua, 53, 44, 55. 
Nappalanus, 162. 
Naricanset, 36. 
Narragan.sets, 36, 39, 40, 73, 79, gg, no, in; fight. III, 116, 118, 123, 126, 128. 
Narrative of Capt. Thomas Wheeler, 80-89. 
Nashaway, 35, 36, 40. 
Nashaways, The, 22, 32, 4g, 74, gi, gg, in, 114, 126, 127, 131, 133. 
Nashaway trail, 32, 102. 
Natick, 41, 74, 113, 117. 
Naticks, The, 76, 77, gg, 112, 127. 
Naunotuks, 21, 35, 38, 39, 47, 50, gg. 
Nehemiah, 114. 
Netaump, gi. 
Neutrals, French, 216, 218. 
New Braintree, 9, 95, 96, 97. 
Newbury, Capt. Benjamin, 125. 
Newbury, Vl., 172. 
Newcomb, Charles, 270. 
Newell, Allin, 230. 
Newell, Daniel, 235, 236, 248, 253. 
Newell, Capt. Ebenezer, 235, 237, 242. 
Newell, Rev. Ebenezer F., 284. 
Newell, Joseph, 226, 234. 
New Mill brook, 14, 177. 
New Saelm, 152. 
Newton, Foster, 268. 
Newton, Jonas, 229, 232, 234. 
Newton, Josiah, 229, 231. 
Newton, Silas, 209, 237, 240, 242. 
Nichewaug, 34. 
Nichols, Isaac, 287. 
Nichols, James, 18. 
Nichols, Rev. John C, 289. 
Nichols, Joshua, 222. 
Nichols, Nicholas, 180. 
Nicholson, Capt., 140, 141. 
Nimrod, 74, gg. 
Nims, John, 184. 
Ninnequabon, Joseph, Indian, 16:, 162. 
Nipnap Country, 125. 
Nipnets, The, 21, 22, 32, 42, 74, 76, gg, 127, 130, 131. 
Nipmuck Country, 21, 79, 80, 100, 112, 115. 
Nipmuck Path, 25. 
Nipmucks, The, 21, 4g, 100, 103, 114. 
Nippunsait, 37. 
Nixon, Capt. John, 219. 
Noncatonsoo, 77, 78. 
Nonotuks, 21, 91, 127. 
Normanville, Mons., 115. 
Northampton, 47, 108, 109, 127, 141, 154, 163, 166, 201. North Brookfield, 10; pet. for, 261; second pet., 262 ; act of incorp., 263 ; bounds of, 250, 262; town records burnt, 264; inhabitants scattered, 265; mechanical trades, 266, 267, 25S; the first town meeting, 267 ; Sabbath school, 273, 277; town schools, 276; high school, 277, 475-78; new meeting-house, 277, 465; post-office, 290; postmasters, 291 ; lawyers, 291 ; physicians, 291 ; Free Public Library, 292; railroad, 296 ; early land grants in, 448-63; Town Houses, 466. 
Northfield, 57, no, 126, 127, 139 ; six persons murdered at, 139, 140, 141, 142, 152, 203. 
North Pond, 15. 
Nye, Capt. Bonum, 276, 277, 291, 296. 
Nye, Col. Pliny, 288. 
Oaks, Capt. , 121. 
Officers, Town, 1718, 197; 1774, 226. 
Old, Abner, 211, 216, 217, 218, 232, 234. 
Old, Comfort, 215, 235. 
Old, Ezekiel, 215, 226; Capt., 234. 
Old, Joseph, 210. 
Old, Reuben, 215, 217. 
Old, Robert, 180, 206. 
Old, William, 171, 175, i8g, 194, 197,200, 202,205, 208, 214, 249. 
Old Connecticut Path, 24, 25, 94. 
Oldham, John, 24. 
Old Jethro hanged, 133. 
Old Mill brook, 13, 177. 
Olds, Cheney, 268. 
Olds, George, 268. 
Olds, Jonathan, 268. 
Olds, Silas, 229. 
Olds, Solo. F., 263. 
Old times, pictures of, 260. 
Oliver, Alexander, 228, 232, 234. 
Olmstead, Jabez, 179, 193, 194. 
Olmstead, Capt. Jabez, 208. 
Olmsted, Joseph, 230, 232, 233, 235. 
One-eyed John, 91, 114, 115; hanged, 133. 
Oneko, 42, 74, 99, 128. 
Onopeguin, 42, 45. 
Ormes, James, 230. 
Ormes, Jonathan, 231. 
Orres, John, 107. 
Otis, Rev. Erastus, 283. 
Otis, Margaret, 185, 1S6. 
Otis, Richard, 185. 
Otis, Seth B., 268. 
Owen, Jonathan, 235. 
Owen, Joseph, 235. 
Owen, Samuel, 67, 139, 143 ; tavern, 143, 144 145, 146, 153, 155, 156, 158, 167, 171, 176, 194, 197. 
Owen, Samuel, Jr., 167, 194. 
Owen, Samuel, 236. 
Packachooge, 74, 113, 114, 115, 132. 
Packard, Capt. John, 231. 
Packard, Capt. Joseph, 228, 229, 230. 
Packard, Levi, 231. 
Pacomptucks, 21, 36, 38, 99, no, 127, 128, 139. 
Pacumticut, 126. 
Paige, Nathaniel, 212. 
Paige, Capt. William, 216, 218. 
Palisade at Deerfield, 160. 
Palmer, David, 214, 216. 
Palmer, Samuel, 218. 
Pambassua, 43. 
Pamshad, 37. 
Paquayag, 102, iig, 120, 128, 129. 
Parish, division of, 221, 222, 223. 
Parish, First, 223. 
Parish, Third, incorp , 223. 
Parish, .St. Joseph's, 286, 464. 
Parish, Ware River, 221. 
Parker, Capt. James, 86. 
Parker, Josiah, 266. 
Parker, Jesse, 235. 
Parker, Levi, 229. 
Parker, Samuel, 218. 
Parker, William, 43. 
Parkman, Edgar H., 290. 
Parkman, Elias, 231. 
Parkman, William, 216. 
Parks, Joseph, 266. 
Parsons, Ebenezer, 140, 146. 
Parsons, John, 183, 194. 
Parsons, Samuel, 140, 146, 153. 
Parsons, Thomas, 155, 156, 158, 167, 171, 181, 194, 197. 
Parsons, Thomas, 53, 55, 59, 63, 67, 108. 
Partridge, Asa, 215, 218. 
Partridge, Asa, 241. 
Partridge, Josiah, 182. 
Partridge, Capt. Samuel, 144, 145, 152, 156, 157, 158, 162, 164, 166, 170, 171, 179, 191, 193, 194, 196, 198, 203. 
Pascomock fort taken, 166. 
Pasquompscut falls, 129. 
Path, Old Springfield, 11. 
Patrick, David, 216, 217. 
Patterson, James, 92. 
Patterson, James, 209. 
Patterson, John, 12, 201, 233, 248. 
Patterson, John, Jr., 248. 
Pautauge hill, 17, 18. 
Pawtucket, 128. 
Peabody, Stephen, 201. 
Peace Commission, 1675, 49. 
Peacock, John, 212. 
Pearce, Dr. Daniel, 291. 
Peirce, Levi, 229. 
Pellet, Francis, 233. 
Pellet, Jonathan, 214. 
Pennakook, 115, 133, 139. 
Pepper, Rob

(description exceeds maximum possible length)