1902 antique WATERVILLE me HISTORY genealogy centennial indian RR war temperance

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This listing is for the original hardcover, cloth over board book, measures approx 6.5"x9.75", 592 pages. 

Centennial History of Waterville Kennebec County, Maine.

including the oration the historical address and the poem presented at the celebration of the centennial anniversary of the incorporation of the town, with illustrations. Waterville:1902. Previously library book.

Fragile and cracking pages.

Excellent original early family and/or town genealogy, history, antique, collectible heirloom and/or ephemera.


Abbott, Dr. Carrol 1 W., blog. sketch, 474. 
Abbott, Stephen I., SO; biog. sketch, 508. 
Abbott, W. H. K., 80; biog. sketch, 508. 
Adams, Rev. Thomas, 243; biog. sketch, 

Artventlsts, history of, 264. 
Advocate, Zion's, 62. 
Ahiram Encampment, 312. 
Alden, Charles H., biog. sketch, 609. 
Alden, .Julius, 156; biog. sketch, 508. 
Allen, Lorenzo B., 282. 
American Benefit Society, 314; Waterville Lodge, 314; Richelieu Lodge, 

American Express Co., 425. 
"American Nation, The," 402. 
Anderson, M. B., 96; biog. sketch, 494. 
A. & K. Railroad opened, 69. 
Anti-Slaverv Society formed, 65. 
Appleton, Moses, 65-89-97-321-363; biog. sketch, 125 and 462. 
Appleton, Samuel, 89-1.56-256; biog. sketch, 609. 
Arnold, expedition of, 47; 49. 
Araokl, Willard B., 90, 71; biog. sketch, 

Arnold, Mrs. Willard B., 390. 
Arnold, William H., bequest tor cemetery, 71; bequest for library, 387. 
Aroostook War, 215. 
Aroostook War Roster, 216. 
Austin, Dr. Lewis K., biog. sketch, 477. 
Ayer, William M., 345. 

Babh, Dr. L. P., 467. 
Babcock, Rev. Rulus, 300. 
Bacon, Kbenezor, 114. 
Bacon, Soldiers, 165. 
Bangs, Capt. Dean, 199. 
Bangs, Gen. Isaac S., 76-94-193-287-411 ; military chapter by, 153; biog. sketch, 223. 
Bangs, Dennis M., 411. 
Baptists, history of. 226. 
Baptist Church, organization of, 61; meeting-house of, 228; remodeled, 
Barnes, Thomas, 235. 
Bates, David. 164. 
Bates, Mrs. Elizabeth D., .381. 
Bates, Horatio D., 85; chapter by, 357; biog. sketch, 373. 
Bates, Thomas, 199. 
Bayley, Dr. W. S., 303. 
Bay View Hotel, 428. 
Bee Culture, 424. 
Beef Company, 425. 
Benson, Dr. John, 467. 
Berry, Rev. Wilbur F., 259; biog. sketch, 442. 
Bessey, Dr. Alden E., biog. sketch, 472. 
Bessey, Mrs. Clara E., 384. 
Bessey, Dr. Merton W., biog. sketch, Beta Phi, 316. 
Biard, Jesuit, 32. 
Bicycle Club, 32S-413. 
Bigelow, Dr., 462. 
Blaisdeil, Martin, 6-92-100; biog. sketch,; address, 17. 
Blaisdeil, Mrs. Elizabeth S., 382. 
Blanchard, B. F., 365. 
Black, Mrs. J. W., 384. 
Bliss Business College, 409. 
"Bloomer," 58. 
Board of Trade, 1-89-99; sketch of, 433; objects aided by, 434. 
Board man, George Dana, 299. 
Botnaseeu, 41; deatli of, 43. 
Bonney, Hon. Percival, 303. 
Boot Manufactorv, 366. 
Boothby, Frederic E., 75.78; biog. sketch, 511. 
Booth Dy, Mrs. Frederic E., 390. 
Boothby, Levi T., biog. sketch, 511. 
Boothby, L. T. & Sou, 433. 
Boothby, Mrs. L. T., SSL 
Boutelle, Geo. K., 90-136; biog. sketch, 
Boutelle, Dr. Nathaniel R., 89; biog. sketch 464. 
Boutelle, Hon. Timothy, 56-61-69-73-89- 298-321-334 ; biog. sketch, 134 and 478. 
Boutelle Library, 291. 
Bounties, 77-1.87. 
Boyer, Dr. Edward W., biog. sketch, 475. 
Bradford, Gamaliel, 550. 
Brick Making, 353. 
Brick-makers, 353. 
Bridge, Ticonic, 62. 
Briggs, kev. Avery, 299. 
Brown, Hon. Simon S., address, 16; chapter by, 478; biog. sketch, 479-1- 
Brown, Frank E., biog. sketch, 480. 
Bunker, "Ben," 401. 
Bunker, Dr. Luther, biog. sketch, 474. 
Burleigh, John, 394-395. 
Burleigh, Samuel A., 400. 
Burns, Case, 72. 
Burr, Aaron, 320. 
Business blocks, 428. 
Butler, Nathaniel, Sr., iSi. 
Butler, Nathaniel, 60-90-92-94-95-293-304-biog. sketch, 495. 
By-laws of town, 86. 

Cabot, expedition, 30. 
Caffrey, William A., 192. 
Cain, Prof. Llewellyn B., 410. 
Cain, Mrs. E. E., 408. 
Campbell, Dr. Geo. R.,biog. sketch, 475. 
Campbell, Dr. Henry H., biog. sketch, 
Campbell, Mrs. Lillian H., 388. 
Canibas Club, 317-328. 
Canibas Indians, 35-34. 
Canton, Halifax, 312. 
Car and Locomotive Shops, 87. 
Car Shops of Maine Central R. R., 351; men employed in, 421. 
Carnegie, Hon. Andrew, gift of, 91-96- 
Carpet Factory, S42. 
CaniHge ami Slelgli Manufactory, 355. 
Cartler, Jaqiies, 30. 
Carver, Leonard D., btOR. sketcb, 480. 
Cascade Woolen Mill, 345. 
Casco Treaty of Peace, 40. 
Catholics, history of, 247. 
Catholic church dedicated, 84. 
Caver, Kev. Paul S.. til-234. 
Cecilia Club, 410; officers, 410-411. 
Cemetery Coniniiltee, "1. 
Cemetery, earliest, 71. 
Cemetery, Fort lllll. 49. 
Cemetery. Monument Park, 71. 
Centennial, literary exercises of, 18; parade, 22; sports of, 28; visitors, 28. 
Champlaln, .Samuel, 30. 
Champlin, Dr. James T., 74-Slt-96-156- 
Champlin Hall, 300. 
Chaplin, Ur. .Jeremiah, 59-61-96-148-227- 298-299; biog. sketch, 495. 
Chaplin Hall. 2M. 
Charland, Rev. Father Narcisse, 81-95- 
Chase, Frank, 90-424; blog. sketch, 512. 
Chase Manufacturing Co., 423. 
Chase, Dr. Hall, 138; biog. sketch, 463. 
Chemical Hall, 305 
Choules, Kev. .John O., 300. 
Christian Civic League, 92. 
Christian Civic League Record, The," 
Circulating Library, 63-147. 
City Hall. new,rd-95-432; building committee, 91-92; dedication of, 13. 
Clair, Frederic W., 1; address of, 16: biog. ski-ti-b, 4,vl. 
Clarke, Capt. .lolm. biog. sketch, 129. 
"Clifton Monthly, The," 404. 
Cobb, Sylvanus, 152, 236; biog. sketch, 
Coburn, Abncr, 74-82-84-66-2 86; gift of 287; bequest of, 803. 
Coburn Classical Institute, 100-2H8; histoRy of, 281-295; act to incorporate trustees, 292; students of, 293. 
"Coburn Clarion, The," 405. 
Coburn Hall, 302. 
Cod man. Bishop, invitation to, 6. 
Colby College, history of, 296-305-6-100- 2!i6-302; location of, 59-297; gymnasium of, 303; library of, 302; commencement, first, 00; assists, 7; Greek Letter Fraternities, 316; opened to women, 83- 
ColbY Club, 328. 
"Colby Echo, The," 405. 
"Colby Oracle, The," 405. 
Colby, Gardner, 78-86-302; bequest of, 
College Press, 300. 
Corntortb Mill, .341. 
Commissioned ofllcers, 162. 
Committees of Correspondence, 50; of Safety, 49. 
Committees for centenuial celebration, 1. 
Committee of one hundred, appointment and list, 1 ; meetings of, 2. 
Committee, invitation, 4. 
Committee, finance, 4. 
Committee, school, 4. 
Committee, transportation and military, 4. 
Committee, horses, carriages and equipment, 4. 
Committee, reception, 4. 
Committee, trades display, 4. 
Committee, parade, 4. 
Committee, fireworks and illumination, 5. 
Committee, advertising and printing, 5 
Committee, badges and emblems, 5. 
Committee, fire department, 5- 
Committee, music. 
Committee, sports and athletics, 5. 
Committee, executive, 5- 
Committee, ofHclal program, 6. 
Commons House, 300. 
Company A, 165. 
Company IJ, 157-1G5. 
Company H, National Guard, 412. 
Company H, 1.57-165; ofllcers of 1902, 413. 
Congregationalists, history of, 241. 
Congregational church dedicated, 66. 
Convent, 2.50. 
Cook, Dr. Daniel, 138-564; blog. sketch, 
Cook, Harold K., biog. sketcb, 481- 
Coolidge, Dr- V. P., 68; blog. sketch,464. 
Coombs, .Jonathan, 340. 
Council Plymouth, .33. 
Crane, Rev. C. D., 244. 
Crane, Kev. A. R., 286. 
Crawford, William C., 279. 
Crommett saw mill, 341-416. 
Crosby, Dr. Atwood, biog. sketch. 468. 
Crosby, .Jonah, 51. 
Crosby, Mrs. Sarah Glrard, 408-382. 
Cushiiian, Rev. .Joshua. 52-226-2.51-320; settlement of. 556, engagement, 558; biog. sketch, 441. 

Dalton, Asa, 394- 
Dalton, Moses, 136-346. 
Dam. first on Kennebec, .56. 
Dantorth, Thomas. 38. 
Daughters of Revolution, .330; Silence Howard Hayden Chapter, 330. 
Davis. Cyrus W., 90-409; biog. sketch, 
Davis, Charles B., 399. 
Davis, Dr. Robert T., biog. sketcb, 465. 
Davies, Geoi-ge F., 433. 
Davies, Mrs. George F., 410. 
Day, John R., 157. 
Dearborn Plantation, annexation of, 
Deeds, secured by English, 36. 
Degree of Honor, 312. 
Delta Kappa Epsilon, 316. 
Delta Upsilon, 316. 
DeMont's expedition, 30. 
Dingley, Nelson, 287-293. 
Dodge, Rev. A. D., 266; biog. sketch, 
Dorcas Rebecca Lodge, 312. 
Dorr, George W.. biog. sketch, 514. 
Drill kin;,' liublt, 147. 
Drinkwater.Mrs. R. M.,281. 
Druillette Father, 36. 
Drummond Everett R., blog. sketch, 
Drummond, John W., 287. 
Drummond, Hon.,Joslah H., 74-78-69-84- biog. sketcb, 482. 
Dunbar. A. .M.. 4116. 
Dunbar, Lemmuel, biog. sketeh, 138. 
Dunbar, Frances F., 383-384. 
Dunn, A. M. Albert T., biog. sketch, 445. 
Dunn Edge Tool Company. 345. 
Dunn. Martha Raker, chapter by, 318. 
Dunn. Reuben H.. 79-88-98-156-269-348; biog. sketch. 514. 
Dunn, Mrs. K. B., 408. 
Dunn. Reuben W., 345; chapter by, 339; blog. sketch, 615. 
Dunn, Willaifl M., 345-34S-427; blog. sketch, 515. 
Dutton, Rev. N. T., 305. 
Dwinell, Dr. Maurice K., blog. sketch, 
"Eastern Farmer, The." 40i. 
"Eastern Mail, The," first number, 67; name change
East Meetinghouse, 148-226. 
Eaton, Harvey D., 9(i-96; blog. sketch 
Eaton, Estelle Foster, chapter bv, 386. 
Elden, Jones R., 192. 
Elden, William, biog. sketch, 496. 
Elmwood Hotel, 428; opened, 70. 
Embargo Act, 57. 
Emerson, Asa, .340. 
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, visit of, 67. 
Emerson & Stevens, Manufacturing Company, 345. 
Emery, A. P., 354-423. 
Enlistment for original companies, 163. 
Episcopal Church, opened, 85. 
Episcopalians, history of, 261. 
Epitaph, Richard I'homas, 563. 

Fairbanks, Joseph P., 342. 
Falmouth|Conference, 45. 
Farr, Otho W. B., biog. sketch, 203. 
Fatima Club, 255. 
Faunce, Capt. Asa, 138. 
Faunce, Pres., abstract of address, 11. 
Fay, Eliphaz, 301. 
Fire Alarm System, 90. 
Fire Departrnent, 433; organization of, 57-100. 
Fire Engine, "Waterville3," 73. 
Fire Insurance, 433. 
Fire of 1849, 70. 
Fire of 185H, 74. 
"Fireside Gem," 402. 
Fisheries, 56-146. 
Fittz, Hervey, 229. 
Fitzgerald, Wesley, 423. 
Foresters, Court Sebasticook, 314. 
Foresters of America, 315; Court Can- 
ada, 315; Court America, 315. 
Fortier, Dr. John L., biog. sketch, 471. 
Fort Halifax, building of, 45; garrison at, 47-546; inscriptions, 562. 
Fort William Henry, destruction of, 42. 
Foster, Dana P., biog. sketch, 483. 
Foster, Edmund W., 407. 
Foster, John B., 74-85-96-281-287; biog. sketch, 496. 
Foster, H«n. Reuben, 83-84-88-93; biog. sketch, 483. 
Foster, Moses C, 84-89-434; biog. sketch, 516. 
Foster, Mrs. Elizabeth B., 382. 
Foster, Dr. Thomas A., biog. sketch, 
Foundry, Iron, 80-416. 
Free Baptists, history of, 265; church organized, 266. 
Freeman, Russell, 151. 
Freshet of 1832, 64. 
Freshet of 1901, 95. 
Fuller, Leo. C, 404. 
Fuller, Norman K., chapter by, 306. 
Furbush Sash and Blind Factory, 416. 

Gallert, Mark, biog. sketch, 517. 
Gardner, Rev. Calvin, 239-274, biog. sketch, 445. 
GarrLson, Wm. Lloyd, visit of, 65. 
Gerald, Amos F., 423. 
Getchell, Albert C, biog. sketch, 476. 
Getchell, Dr. F. H., 7. 
Getchell, Eldrldge, 281; biog. sketch, 
Getchell, George C, 165. 
Getchell, Nehemiah, 49-115-345; biog. sketch, 133. 
Getchell, Nehemiah, Jr., 133. 
Getchell, Walter B., 156-238; biog. 
Getchell, Vvilliam, 156. 
Gilbreth Knox, 337. 
Gilman, Nathaniel, 151-324-360; biog. sketch, 126. 
Goodrich, Dr. Edson E., biog. sketch, 
Goodrich, Dr. Matthew .S., biog. sketch, 
Golden Cross, order of, 313. 
Good Templars, 312. 
Gorges, Gov., 33. 
Gorges, William, 34. 
Gow, Eliphalet, biog. sketch, 518. 
Gow, Rev. Geo. B., 287. 
Grammar School, North, 88. 
Graves, F. F., .3.5-424. 
Gray, Edgar H., 395. 
Greenhouses, City, 426. 
Grondin, Joseph Henry, biog. sketch, 
Gun Club. 414. 
Gymnasium, 155. 

Haines, Hon. W. T., 18-90-9.V353-391 biog. sketch, 484. 
Halde, Rev. D. J., 249. 
"Halifax," accident to, 119. 
Halifax, Fort. 45; dismantled, 47; hardships at, 46. 
Hall. Edward W., 77-84-393; chap, by, 296; biog. sketch, 497. 
Hall, Hascall S., 367. 
Hall, Oliver G., biog. sketch, 484. 
Hall, R. B., 409. 
Hall's Military Band, 409. 
Hall's Orchestra, 409. 
Hallock, Leavitt H., 244. 
Hamblen, Isaac S., 284-287. 
Hamlin, Charles E., 92-302; biog. sketch, 
Hamlin, Hannibal, 82. 
Hammond, Richard, 40-114. 
Hanscom, Nathaniel, 157. 
Hanson Cottage, 291. 
Hanson, James H., 78-90-96-284; biog. sketch. 2S9 and 498. 
Hanson, Mrs. James H., 408; chap, by, 
Harmon, Capt., expedition of, 43. 
Hastings, William, 387-393-394. 
Hathaway, Charles F., 397-416; biog. sketch, 518. 
Hathaway, Rev. James W., 259. 
Hathaway Shirt Factory, S0-350-41G-422. 
Haviland, Ghas. T., 343. 
Haviland, F. D., 156. 
Hawes, Rev. Edward, 243; biog. sketch, 
Hayden, Col. Josiah, 550-551. 
Haynes, Hon. J. M, 6; biog. sketch, 519- 
Haywood, Jonathan, 137. 
Haywood, Zimri, 60-268-564. 
Headley, Rev. P. C, 243. 
Heald, Ebenezer, 549. 
Heald, Perham S., biog. sketch, 530. 
Heald, Timothy, .549. 
Heath, Lieut. Francis E., -75-93-156-157. 
Heath, Sidney M., biog. sketch, 485. 
Heath, Solyman, biog. sketch, m. 
Heath. William S.. 75; bi02. sketch 
Heath, W. S., Post, (i. A. R.. 85-156-167- 
Hebron Academy, 286. 
Helping Hand .\a90clatlon, 313. 
Henrick.'ion, Charles A., 156. 
Herriok. Thomas VV., biog. sketch, 48B. 
Hesseltine, Capt. F. S., 75-157. 
Heywood, Major-Uen. Charles, biog. sketch, 221. ^_ 
High School, 72-85-277-289. 
Hill" Dr. James F.. 1-89-434 ;V, biog. sketch, 471. ^„ 
Hill, Gov. and Mrs. 18; response to address, 20. 
Hill, Purmot, 355. , » ,, mi 
Hill, Sheriff James P., biog. sketch, 521. 
Hilton, Col., expedition of 42. 
Hitchcock, Uoswell U., biog. sketch, 
Hitchings, Joseph, 340. 
Hitchings, Samuel, 340. 
Holbrook & Richardson, 341. 
Hollingsworth & Whitney Co., 89-356- 417; officers, 417; product of, 41b; Taconnet club house, 418. 
Holmes, Hanv Lewis, 376. 
"Home Treasury, The," 402. 
Horn, John, guide, 49. 
Hotels, 70-428. 
Hotels in 1S37, 143. ,.,,-„ 
Howard, Dr. Geo. B., biog. sketch, 4iO. 
Hoyt's Express Co., 425. 
Hubbard & Blake M'fg Co., 344. 
Hubbard, Mrs. Jessie Smith, 382^10. 

"Iconoclast, The," 405. 
Illumination of City, 21. 
Indians, 543; agreement with, ()93; last skirmish, 47; relics, .35; of Kennebec, 34; wars, 32. 
Iron Bridge, 87. 
Iron Works, 342-422. 

Jaynes Creamery Company, 423. 
Jaynes, R. F., 423. .,,,„, 
Jewell, Capt. Geo., 65; biog. sketch, 521. 
Johnson, Charles F., 88-95; address, 18; biog. sketch, 487. 
Johnson, Franklin W., chap, by, 282; biog. sketch, 498. 
Johnson, Mrs. Franklin W., 410. 
Johnson, Mrs. Agnes M., 389. 
Jones, Edgar L., biog. sketch, 521. 
Jones, Rev. Henry, 261. 
Judkins, Henry b., 428. 

Keely, Prof. George, 156-301; biog. sketch, 498. 
Keith, Simeon, 84; biog. sketch, 5-22. 
-Kendall, William, biog. sketch, 522. 
Kennebec County, organization of, 53. 
"Kennebec Democrat, The." 401. 
Kennebec Patent. 33. 
Kiest Business College, 4U8. 
Kiest, Mr., 409. , ^ , 
Kidder, Reuben,. 56-116-179; biog. sketch, 121; letter to Appleton, IIG; letter from. 562. 
Kingfield, plantation called, 48. 
King Philip's War, 38. 
King William's War,41. 
King, William
Knauff, Christian, biog. sketch, 523. 
Knights of Columbus, 315. 
Knights of Pythias, 98-312. 
Knox, Dr. Joseph, 473. 

Laconla, Province of, 38. 
Ladd, Rev. A. S., 259; biog. sketch. 44,. 
Ladd, W. M., 400. 
Ladd, W. M. Company, 400-426; publications of, 400. 
Lane Museum, 291. 
Lane, Rev. Asa L., 85-291-508; biog. sketch, 499. 
Lang, Col. Thomas S., 333. 
Larcell, Rev. E. E
Larrabee, J. F., 427. 
Leighton, C. A., 350-416. 
Leonard Rev. Henry C. 239; biog. sketch, 448. , . u ,cc 
Letourneau, J. Alfred, biog. sketch, 486. 
Lewis, Albert A., 259; biog. sketch, 44b. 
Libby, 1. C, 90; biog. sketch, 524. 
Liberal Institute, 63-240-283. 
Liquor Licenses. 61. . , ^ x am 
Lillybridge, Dr. Clark, biog. sketch, 463. 
Lincoln County, division of, 53. 
Lincoln, William M.,biog. sketch, 52o. 
Lindsay. Rev. Geo. D., 95-259; biog. sketch, 448. 
Literature Class, 329. 
Lithgow, Arthur, 564. 
Lithgow, col. William, 46-m 
Lithgow, letter to Gov. SU'rley. 545. 
Loan & Building Association, jo, , directors, 377; statement, 3,1-3.8. 
Loan & Trust Co., 375; officers 3,5, statement, 376; trustee for, 3,5. 
Lockwood, An,os D., 80-3^. us-J16- 
Lockwood Company. capital stock, 349; dividends of. 350; mill No. 2, 349-416; officers. 380. 
Lockwood Dam, 79. 
Long boats
Loomis, Justin, 96; biog sketch, 499. 
Lovejoy, E. P., murder of ,66. 
Lumber manufactnrers, 346. 
Lunch room. 383. 
L'Union Lafayette, 313. 
Lyford, Hon. Edwin F., 288. 
Lyon, Alplieus, biog. sketch, 486. 

Maccabees, 310; Tlconic Tent 
Hope Tent, 316. 
Hope Tent, 
Mail Publishing Co., The, 399-426. 
Maine Central RR; passenger and freight business, 420. 
Maine Literary and Theological Instt 
Maine losses in war, 187; Province of. 34; provincial government of, 38, separation from Massachusetts, 80, 
Marsh Rev Edward L., 244; biog. sketch, 449.
Martha Washington Chapter, O. K. »•• 
Masonic Lodge, 97-164-307; Temple, SOS- 
Massachusetts, purchased rights, 38. 
Masse Jesuit, 32. 
Match Factory. 416. „...„„ .^etcb. 
Mathews, Chas. K., 131-387 , biog. SKetch
Mathews C.<.iog. sketch 130 
Slathewe, Edward. 387-396; murder of, 
Mathews Shailer, biog. sketch, 500. 
Mathews, Simeon, biog. sketch, 131-38. 
Mathews, John, 130. 

state Constitution, formation of, 61. 
Steamboat, first, 64. 
Steamboats, owned at Waterville, 64. 
Stetson, Prof. Carlton B., 410. 
Stevens Hospital, 407. 
Stevens, Mrs. Anna W., 407. 
Stevens, Major Edwin L., 76-77. 
Stevens, Capt. Wm. A., 76. 
Stevens, Isaac, 13S. 
Stewart, Horace A., biog. sketch, 491. 
Stilson, Samuel, 355. 
St. Onier Commandery of Knights Templar, 310. 
Stove Foundry, 423. 
Stowell, Dr. David P., biog. sketch, 470. 
Streets, 140; in 1802, 119. 
Street Lamps introduced, 85. 
Strout, Kev. W. M., 265. 
Sunday School, call tor, 1837, 565. 
Sunnyslde Farm, 338. 

Tannery, 354; Pearson's, 342; Kicker's, 
Tappan, Henry L., 407. 
Tax list 1S09, 57. 
Taylor, Jefferson, 279. 
Taylor, Julian D., bio^. sketch, 505. 
Taylor, Mrs. Julian D., 111. 
Tea-parties, 321. 
Teconnet, 29; council at, 39; fort at, 44; name, 113; settlement burned, 41; station for captives, 41. 
Teconnet Chapter, Koyal Arch Masons, 
Telegraphic communication established, 73. 
Telephone connection established, 65. 
Terry, Geo. F., 90-402; biog. sketch, 639. 
Thayer Block, 429. 
Thayer, Frank L., 427; biog. sketch, 539. 
Thayer, Dr. Frederic C, address, 19; elected marshal of parade, 684; chapter by, 459; biog. sketch, 469. 
Thayer, Dr. Stephen, biog. sketch, 463. 
Thomas, Dr. Austin, biog. sketch, 475. 
Ticonic Bank, 61-357-364; board, '365; location, 365; officers, 366. 
Ticonic bridge, 82— carried awaj'. 
Ticonic National Bank, 366. 
Ticonic, No. 1, purchased, 66. 
Ticonic Village Corporation, 66. 
Ticonic Water Power & Manufacturing Co., 79-347. 
Ticonick Debating Society, 62. 
Tozier, Dea. John, 136. 
Tozier, Heniy E., 76. 
Town, division of, 53. 
Towne, Dr. John G., biog. sketch, 476. 
Town Hall, enlargement of, 85. 
Town meeting, 49. 
Town, representatives from, 50. 
Trade in early days, 144. 
Trade leased, 37. 
Treaty of Peace, Pemaquid, 41. 
Tripp, Bartlett, 293. 
Tripp, Ephraim, 299. 
True, Dr. Latham, 410. 
"Turf, Farm and Home, The," 403. 

Union Gas & Electric Company, 90-344- 
Union Lafayette, L', 313. 
Union, R. H., 338. 
Unitarian church dedicated, 78-256. 
Unitarians, history of, 251. 
United American Mechanics, 315. 
United Workmen, 312. 
Universallst church built, 65. 
Universalists, histoi^y of, 235. 

Village corporation, 64. 
Volunteer, first from WaterviUe, 156; trustee, 160. 

Waldron, Frederick A., 92; biog. sketch, 491. 
War, Eastern Indians, 43. 
Ware, Hon. John, 8.5-156; biog. sketch, 
Ware, John, 86; biog. sketch, 540. 
Ware, George H., 373. 
Ware, Mrs. Sarah S., 256-381. 
Ware Parlors, 266. 
War of Rebellion, 176. 
War of 1812, 211; rosters, 211. 
War with Spain, 217; list of soldiers in, 
Warren, George. 51-564. 
Warren, Prof. Laban E., biog. sketch, 
Washington, George, body guard of, 
Waterville Academy, 64-281-288; act of incorporation, 2S3. 
Waterville as summer resort, 135. 
Waterville as a market, 436. 
Waterville Bank, 3.57-369; old, 360; directors of, 360; capital, 368; statement of, 362; chartered, 61. 
Waterville became city, 88. 
Waterville Business College, 409. 
Waterville city charter, 18S8, 571. 
Waterville Classical Institute, 285; endowment of, 386; semi centennial celebration, 287; Ladies' Collegiate Department, 385. 
Waterville College, 299-323; commencement, 149; In the war, 168-164; manual labor department of, 300; name changed, 303; Theological Department, 299. 
Waterville, contributors for war, 169. 
Waterville, division of, 84. 
"Waterville Evening Mail," 403. 
W. & F. R. R. & L. Company, 89-424. 
W. & F. electric railway, 424-431. 
Waterville Free Library, 389; circulation, 390. 
Waterville's gift to Portland, 78. 
Waterville Horse Association, 333. 
Waterville, incorporated, 55. 
Waterville incorporation act, 666. 
Waterville Intelligencer, 393. 
"Waterville Journal, The," 395. 
Waterville Library Association, 73-387; organization of, 388; first contributors, 388-389; officers, 389-390-391; purchasing committee, 389. 
Waterville Lyceum, 62. 
Waterville made railroad center, 69. 
"Waterville Mail, The," 67, 397. 
Waterville military band, 409; Incorporators, 409. 
Waterville National Bank, 369-369; directors, 369. 
"Watervillonlan." 66-396. 
Waterville, population of, 114. 
Waterville Printing Co., 338-399-436. 
Waterville soils, diversity of, 331. 
Waterville savings bank, 82-357-378; statement of, 380; trustees, 379. 
"Waterville Sentinel, The," 86-399. 
Waterville social library, 56-386. 
Waterville valuation, debt and tax 
Waterville tax rate 1902, 432. 
Waterville trust company, 357. 
"Waterville Union, The," 397. 
Waterville valuation in 1902, 338-432. 
Waterville water company, 8S. 
Watchman, Th
Waymouth, Cnpt. G., expedition of, 31. 
Webb, Hon. Edmund F., 84-93-373- blog. sketch. 491. ' 
Webber, Frank B., 343-422; biog. sketch. 
Webber, John, 156; blog. sketch. 540 
Webber, John N., 541. 
Wells, Oaniel, 152-34U. 
Wells, F. B., 3'J5. 
Wells, Samuel, 150; biog. sketch, 492 
West Waterville scytlie and axe factories, 344. 
White, Charles L., 95-305; biog. sketch, 
Whilehouse. William P., 293. 
Whitman, Rev. Benaiah L., 96-304-biog. sketch, 505. 
Whittemore, Rev. Edwin C, 29-95-2.15 507; historical address by, '29; biog sketch, 466.
Whittemore Furniture Comnanv. 90-94-353-423; capital .stock, 353. 
Whittemore, W. E., 3.53. 
William and Mary, charter of, 38. 
Williams. Clifford, 1-24. 
Williams, .Johnson, 1-24. 
Williams, Ur. Obadiah. 53-8)5-97-113-210- 461; biog. sketch, l-'3. 
Wilson, Rev. Adam, 394. 
Wilson, Dr. Frederick M., biog. sketch. 
Wing, Charles G., 398. 
Wing, Daniel R., 19-2--281-395-396-398 ; biog. sketch, 541. 
Winelow, 101; first child born in, .550- incorporated, 113; Invitation given, 
Winslow library, 386; books of, .386. 
Winslow, "Mr.,".^; popnlatlon of. 114- proprietors, records of, 54S; separation of, 61; seltlement of, 48; town named, 48. 
Winslow and Waterville representatives to Mass., 664. 
Wixcasset, Waterville & Farmington R. R., 99-421; officers of, 421. 
Soman's Aid Association, 159. 
Woman's Association, 3-2S-.3S7; employment bureau,  evening school, 383; library, 384; lunch room, 383- mothers' meetings, 384; sewing school, 383; object, 381; Woman's Exchange, 383. 
Woman's Christian Temperance Union. 32i-40S; officers, 408. 
Woman's Literary Club, .3-28-384-391. 
Woman's Temperance League, 327. 
Wood, Rev. S. M., -23-2-326; biog. sketch. 
Wright, Dr., 462. 
Wyman.ElwoodT., 96-391-399; chapter by, 208. 
Wyman, William W., 86. 

"Yankee Blade, The," 396. 
Yates. Alexander F. H., biog. sketch, 
YMCA; organization of, 406; officers, 408: Ladles' Auxiliary, 407. 
Y. W. C. A.. 3-27. 

Zeta Psi, 316. 
Zion's Advocate, 394-443. 
"Zuarrow," 337. 

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