Exclusively by izida


Extremely rare








The Magick of the Unseen Worlds


Sirin is an ancient Siberian Demon, a spirit of good fortune, beauty, joy, and happiness.


She is the Messenger of the Lord of the Underworld.

Sirin is one of the few creatures that can move freely between all realms and all dimensions.

Her voice is so beautiful, that even the gods when heard her, can hardly be distracted by something else. Sirin serenades the dying, her songs so beautiful and compelling that those who hear her are oblivious to everything else and die happily and peacefully. Sirin is an Escort Spirit similar to an Angel of Death.

Sirin  manifests as a huge bird with a woman's face. Her plumage is colorful and rainbow.

She has supernatural abilities accessible only Supreme Gods.

She uncovers what is hidden.

She has the unique ability to control the elements.

Sirin represent  the elemental nature, the untamed Depth Blood of Universe, the interrelation of light and dark sides of each element of the world around us. The dark - does not mean bad, it gets the value of the epithet "other," "do not are obvious", "depth", maybe even "true".

Sirin provides the adoption of our own internal latent essence of our incarnation in the physical world.

She will awaken your mind, and brings psychic abilities and latent healing gifts and creativity.

She can help to live with determination, focus and tenacity and use your power to it's fullest potential.

She will teach to use an intuition that will aid in understanding and the connection to all things.

She will teach you to listening carefully to the seen and unseen worlds. She will teach much and bring new surprises if you expect it. Just pay attention and listen carefully.

She can teach how to live life without fear.

She can teach you how to use these new knowledge. She will show you how to dive into the depths of the inner being to illuminate your true self.

She can to transform your spirit. From the deepest part of you healing begins. What has been in darkness will now appear into the light.

She can give you a grace of emotions and actions, endurance in life, time to pay attention to your dreams, thoughts and ideals with patience and endurance. In the dreams She can show you how to move freely, be more aware, and change the course of events with empowerment.

She will provide you -

the power of watchfulness and the strength of mental,

greater wisdom to the awareness of the many different aspects that surrounds you,

endurance in spiritual and physical life,

to be proud in your endeavors and achievements,

the wisdom of silent, heightened vision and hearing and the ability to pinpoint of people's motives and actions,

the power of silence and contemplation, and the balance of waiting and acting,

the ability to extract secrets from within, and listen carefully,

to avoid deceptions - within and without,

trusting your instincts about people, and have patience,

dare to be different, exciting and bold,

 to balance your passive and aggressive character qualities,

to be strong with all of the resources you have,

the harmony of thoughts and feelings,

and the purification of the mind, body and spirit.  

She has much wisdom in teaching how to see and sense the world around you along with determination and patience in waiting for the opportune moment.

She teaches efficiency in actions and promises that changes are imminent.

She aids to keep going, and don't give up.

She bring to the light what is mysterious and hidden.

Sirin can be a harbinger of your's personal dawn!

You will never have again such opportunity.


 This is Direct binding, online service. Nothing will be shipped to you. Your full name and date of birth will be needed. The instructions will be given via email.


Payment Policy

I accept PayPal and Stripe.


By Legal Laws I am required to state the following: You must be 18 years old in the U.S. to purchase any Magic, Paranormal, or Psychic services. Services are considered purchased for the intentions of "entertainment only" by Law and this is not to be used as a substitute for professional care. I am also not responsible for any of harm from all the objects that I sell. You buy at your own risk. All of them are NOT in place of any treatment, legal aid, physician's care or advice of any kind. Please consult your GP or doctor for that. No specific result(s) can be guaranteed. I am not personally liable, in any way, for the results of the actions taken by the buyer. This is an "at your own risk" purchase. Any resulting effects in the real world you may or may not experience are in no way the responsibility of the seller. You agree to these terms and fully understand prior to making a purchase. As with all spirits, entries, and other magickals I can't be responsible for what happens or doesn't happen once you purchase your item.


Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

Good luck and let all your paths will be blessed with

Peace and Love