This is a unique, completely personalized connection and message from a passed loved one and portal to better connect with loved one™.


What is required: A piece that is connected to your passed loved one be mailed to me.  This can be anything that holds meaning to them, something they touched or owned, a bit of hair or ashes, etc.   Their first name and date of birth is also necessary to ensure connection with the accurate loved one.


Process: With the personal item and information provided, I will be able to tap into your loved one’s spirit, connect and communicate with them, imbue the essence of their spirit to the vessel (or direct bind) of your choice, and collect any message(s) they may have.  


Portal:  Additionally, a portal that will be created to better connect with your passed loved one, that may be used at any time going forward.  The item sent to me, or a new item that I provide, will be used for the portal (your choice).  Regardless of the vessel choice, the item sent to me will be returned.


This is an extremely time consuming process.  Please ask any questions prior to ordering. If a direct bind is chosen any shipping charge will be refunded.


Many blessings!