Booth Details, Discounts, and Policies  Return to booth

Here is where sellers can list any catch-all policies about their booth. If any of this information is essential to the buying process, the seller will also mention that within their item description -- so don't sweat it if you don't make a habit of looking at the details for every booth!

Shipping policy

I ship to the USA and Internationally once a week by boxing all individual packages into 1 big box to a company in Vancouver who will then take them across the border for me and drop them off with USPS or Asendia. This way is a lot cheaper, and a lot faster than if I was to ship directly to you with Canada Post.

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Return policy

None: All purchases final

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Busy hands, relaxed mind, Easy on the Eyes

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Seller coupons & discounts

Shipping discount: Shipping weights of all items added together for savings.

Seller badges

200th Sale 5-year Bonanzler 10,000 Pageviews Customer Marketing Customers Party of 5 Customized Great Attendance Inventorious