Booth Details, Discounts, and Policies  Return to booth

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Booth overview

My mother was a “jewelry person”. She loved jewelry – ANY kind of jewelry – so costume jewelry certainly fed her addiction. I have the fondest memories as a young child of surrounding myself with all her queen’s jewels and pretending to be a pirate and a princess. It was my own magical, fantasy world. Mother wore her favorites but most of it spent it’s life tucked away and well cared for. Some of it looks brand new. After she died, it went into boxes under my bed for many many years. The time has come for me to share these and let them make memories for someone else. Hopefully, I have what you need to complete your collections. “I LOVE OOAK REINVENTED VINTAGE JEWELRY” Though my journey started with selling my mother’s Cathe and Sarah Coventry jewelry collection, my true passion is to take old, broken (and downright ugly) pieces that were tossed aside as worthless and make them into something to be cherished.

Seller coupons & discounts

Combined item discount: 10% off w/ $100.00 spent

Shipping discount: Shipping weights of all items added together for savings. Free shipping on orders over $150.00

Seller badges

SEO Superstar 1-year Bonanzler Perfect Attendance Customized